Wednesday 18 August 2010

First Draft - Magazine Cover

this was my first attempt at putting together the bones of a magazine cover, i used this as more a chance to look at the structure of the magazine cover i would like to make, i found this hard as even though there are a lot of film magazines, I'm not sure how to stick to the genre of a horror film, whilst sticking to the conventions of a magazine cover, but this is just my first draft so i will keep researching and looking in to film magazine covers further.

I think i would place the masthead right at the top of the cover going right across, so it fitted magazine conventions, making it look like a magazine and not just another poster. Another thing that i think will make it look more like a magazine cover and not just a poster, is the use of left hand thirds and puffs, though i don't want to distract from the main image and title, i still want to give a lot of text information on the front cover, due to the nature of magazines being filled with more than just one article, this is only a draft so i am not sure how the text would fit round the image, but i would make sure it integrated well.
To keep with the genre of horror/thriller i think the picture would be more of a close up of a torch lit face or a full length shot of a girl in the woods, but i have being looking at front covers and they don't really use full length pictures and just stick to close ups or mid-shots, i will have to think about this when i and my group go on our first photo shoot. Either way the picture would be dark round the edges of the image, so text could fit well round it in white colours, whilst not taking away from the main image.

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