Wednesday 18 August 2010

First Draft - Poster

This is my first attempt at a poster, i put this together to get a clear understanding of the structure for the poster i want. Hopefully because i have planned this out my next attempt will be close to how i want it. Though this looks very simple, i have seen what may work well, meaning the picture placement to get the most impact or where to put the film title, this has helped me understand the basics and i will hopefully be able to put together a well structured and interesting second draft, hopefully my group will have also had a meeting then to finalize storyboards and film title, so i can get an even clearer image of what to put in.

I have placed the Billing block and the stars names in the place you usually find them on a poster, as they are the two things on the poster that aren't really going to attract attention when i have finished the promotional pack, as the actors we may use in our trailer won't be famous, this means i am concentrating on having a really outstanding image, something that will either catch the eye and interest someone in to seeing it, or one that will get stuck in peoples heads for it's sheer scariness, as we are dong horror/thriller i want it to fit the genre really well, so people understand as soon as they see it, but at the same time i don't want them to just think it's a boring old horror film, so that's why we have also been looking at the Thriller genre, as it adds more to a film and makes it not just scary but interesting for the audience to watch, which is something i have to put across when making my this poster.
I was struggling on where to put the release date, as some film posters don't include it and i also don't think it is the most important thing, so i don't want it obstructing the image on the poster, so this may take a while to figure out, after a few more drafts to see what looks best. The release date is important, but only after you have caught the attention with either a really striking image, or a famous face or name on the poster, so i just have to judge the balance.

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