Sunday 8 August 2010

Specific Promotional Package Research (Horror/Thriller) - Mirrors

Once again i choose to look at this genre in further detail, by looking at another Thriller/Horror, that deals with an everyday item, such as a mirror, as i feel this could give our trailer an darker edge and could make our trailer look professional and not a gimmick. This is a very dark film which is reflected in it's posters, even though it is such a simple idea as mirrors are everywhere, but on top of that there are superstitions to do with breaking them and reflections can be scary and creepy.

- As the film is called mirrors and is based on mirrors they have used that look for their posters. The way they have mirrored things such as the text in the poster to coincided with the story works really well, as it also not only links to the story, but creates a very eerie look about it, as you don't know what is the reflection and what is real, much like in the movie.
- The mirroring effect also covers the writing used on the poster, giving the poster a very interesting structure, where the Billing Block is cut in half so it not only mirrors horizontally, but also vertically. Also it's not conventional to have a billing block cut in half, but it makes the poster look interesting and it makes you want to look at it, you want to see if both images look the same, along with the text that seems to have been cut in half, to make it follow the mirroring pattern, this means the audience would get more information about the film and who made it.
- The colour scheme used on this poster also works very well, as it's all dark blues and blacks making it hard to see, which is the opposite to how mirrors are, but the movie is based on distorted mirrors and so you can see the truth, this also shows an audience the film is going to be dark, as there is no use making it a nice bright poster, when really the film is dark. As usual they have put the title of the film in bright red to standout against the rest of the poster, as that is what they want people to remember the most so that they go to see it.

- The image used on this poster is very strong, as it's an action shot of the man walking towards you out of the poster, with his eye line directly at you, unlike some posters where the eyes are off to the side, as if they are looking at something else and you want to know what it is, but with this one he makes the connection, this could be due to the idea of mirrors, as we look directly at ourselves when we look in mirrors, but when you look at the poster to realise you can't actually see his eyes, they are covered by a shadow, this adds further suspense, as you can't make eye contact and the reflective image of the man also has his eyes covered by shadow, but you notice his facial expression is slightly different, which links to the premise of the film. It is also dark, he isn't wearing any bright colours either meaning he is dressed for this photo, something me and my team will have to remember to do, we need to think about what type of costume and impression we want.

- This is the second poster from the promotional package for Mirrors, i decided to look at both of them to get more of an idea of what works and which poster and devices attract attention and ideas best, so have two different posters of the same movie is really helpful.

- The text on this poster is simple like the text on the other poster, as you don't much information off it except what it's called and that Kiefer Sutherland has a star role with int he film. The conventions of the text are regular, with the billing block regular size with the right information within it, there is also some added information at the top of the poster, which could be more important so has to be separate to the rest of the billing block or any other text. The title of the film isn't central like the other poster and because it's in white it doesn't stand out of have the same impact as the rest of the poster or the other poster, but the image is obviously the focal point of this poster instead. The text is interesting though, due to the use of playing with he idea of the movie about being about mirrors, they use that in to title, by having the two R's in the word mirrors reflecting each other, i think this is a really nice touch and would help to also grab peoples attention, while making sure the poster is all nicely linked, with a certain theme through out. They also use the same effect on the other posters, which again makes them feel linked together and makes the promotional pack look a lot more affective in it's presentation.

- When it comes to colour scheme on this poster i don't really see much of one, all the colours on this poster seem very neutral and work well together, nothing stands out, unlike on the other poster where the title was put in a bright red colour, but on this poster it is just put in white, which works well with the back ground and doesn't stand out, unlike the other posters title. This may be because the makers want to attract the most attention to the actors face, which is the most colourful thing in the picture. But with most of the other colours being very neutral and light, the crack effect is used in the image really stands out, helping again to attract the much wanted attention to why there is a crack in the poster and to the fact the film is about mirrors, helping to link everything together.

- Within in the image used we see that they makers have decided to use a crack effect, a device which helps illustrate what the film is about easily, whilst playing on the idea of mirrors to the makers advantage, as it is a very interesting effect and would grab peoples attention easily, as you don't see a crack in a massive movie poster everyday, also cracking a mirror gives you bad luck and so people know it isn't a happy film about mirrors and looking at yourself, it's about the bad things that happen and a much sinister side to them. The use of a close up image on this poster of the star of the film also means, even though it isn't as interesting as the other posters image, it is still very striking if you were walking past it, as most posters are blown up to a massive sizes and so an audience could clearly see who was in the film or just be attracted to seeing it due to how striking the close up is. It also means you can clearly see the crack on the image and that it isn't normal and also the blood upon the actors face, letting an audience understand the genre before seeing it and attracting people to see it.

- With all the links to mirrors that the creators have used to there advantage to gain a interesting and eye catch look, whilst still getting the right information across, tells me that within my posters and magazine covers, there needs to be a recurring theme, such as the camera idea my group discussed, so i could on photoshop effects that would make things look like stereotypical pictures, or put the lines you get when looking through a camera view finder on an image, to make it look like it's being taken, these are just some small things i could do to help make my promotional pack look the best it can and be linked well together, so people understand what it's about.

Things that i felt were important within this trailer, to help build the tension and fit in with the genre of horror were -

The beginning sets a scene of a very normal family household, sunny areil shot, nothing to worry about, setting the audience up with false hope, so when the horror does kick in it's a shock. This happy scene is juxtaposed with the music, which is very minimal, but has connotations of horror.

When the music stops, to build tension at an important part and then suddenly kicks in as action is taking place, i feel really helps to added to the horror and the scare factor, this is something important that i will be looking at when writing the sound track.

Once you realise it in't a happy trailer, the tag line appears to give you a little bit more information, but only a little bit so you want to more. I like how it is broken up through out the trailer, helps to break up scenes, so people have time to understand what they have just seen.

I like the music that kicks in as the trailer gets scary, it has a heart beat sound to it, building tension. What is also good i the way the clips of film keep in time with the heart beat, creating an atmosphere, with these short takes you don't get the full picture and so are scared and unsure of what is happening, making you want to see the film.

From this trailer i see that sound effects and timing really make a trailer, otherwise something that is ment to be scary ends up looking dull.

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