Tuesday 9 November 2010

Filming Three - 9/11/2010

Today in our media lesson we had a chance to re-film the head shots we had previously filmed, but felt didn't work well enough or that they didn't reflect the genre and feel we want for the trailer when watching them back. We went up to the same location we had previously filmed on, The mound, with a media teacher. It didn't take us long at all to film these shots we needed, as we had previously tryed to film the same shots, so had learnt from our previous mistakes and clearly understood how to get what we wanted out of the shots. I got Kate ready for the filming, by bringing in her costume and explaining to her the shots we had planned to film for that day, with the help of Aimee we quickly brief her on how she should re-act with the camera.
Hannah re filmed the shots of Kate close up, looking scared, we took our time on this to make sure we got the best shots, as we are unsure if we can film again, so this time we really want to get the best out of our time, so Laura the director talked through her facial expressions and what we needed. After this we moved on to an extreme close up on Kate's eye, like in saw films, this worked better than just having loads of close ups of her looking scared as they all looked the same and boring, this also puts the audience on edge as you can't see what Kate is seeing, also it really focusses on one thing, so the audience can't look away. The eye is also gross looking with all the viens in it. I am unsure of who came up with this, as i think it was a group effort when thinking threw shots, but Aimee brought it up as we were filming i think. We then switched to a shot of Kate looking round frantically, we tried to frame it so it was just her face, or part of her face, but this didn't work as just kept going out of the camera frame when looking round, so Hannah brought the camera out a little bit so it wasn't as an extreme close up, but still you could only see her face nothing else, this makes the shot more intense i feel and you can clearly see the panic on her face.
That was the end of all the filming we needed, also it was getting to cold for Kate to be outside in just a dress so we wrapped up on filming. Me and Aimee stayed behind to but up the shots filmed from today and take them off the tape and place them on a memory stick. I think we can start editing all our trailer together now, as i feel we have enough shots and they are all of the quality we wanted.

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