Thursday 18 November 2010

Logo Ideas

These are the logo ideas that Laura and Hannah came up with, whilst Aimee was editing. We felt that it had to be simple and Aimee suggested it be a camera silhouette as it represents film and when looking at some examples, it seemed a popular design idea. I also felt it would look classic and professional, if we didn't over complicate things.

this was the first design they came up with, it isn't of the right type of camera, and looks to small and simple, as if we didn't put any thought in to it. Though the red text does contrast well against the black and white, it dosen't stand out enough, which a producer logo needs to do, as they want to show people that they were involved and make money off it. This wasn't my favorite, but it was only their first go.


I felt this was a step in the right direction, it is of an actually filming camera and the colours are really great choices, as they are neutral, yet not boring so people would notice the symbol. I also like the choice of text, but am unsure on wether it fits in with our movie or wether a producer would actually have this type of logo. But what does look professional is the light reflecting off the top it really makes it look real and classic.


this was the best of all the logos i felt, as it looked just like the logos you see when watching a film, the shadow of a person with a camera looks like a professional shot and that it was made for us or at least to put in to a logo, i like the text used as it is very formal and professional. The use of black and white is very simple and classic, not over fussed, something which producer logos aren't, they need to catch peoples eye, but at the same time not distract from what they are about to see. So that is why i voted for this image, but the rest of the group felt idea two was the better, which i did also like.

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