Friday 19 November 2010

Editing Two - 19/11/2010

Today it we carried on with the editting and final touches to our film trailer, it's Aimee's job to edit our trailer together on final cut pro, with the rest of the group giving help or a little input when Aimee needed. We watched over what we had so far and i felt it looked really great and that Aimee was defaintly editing it in the right direction. There were only a few things that needed to be changed that Aimee was planning on working on this lesson anyway, such as some shots were to long, or with Kate closing the door shot, she made a slight face as the shot ended, which didn't look right and so we all suggested ways of cutting it or changing it slightly so it didn't look odd, Also so shots were to slow or to bright, so Aimee used fianl cut pro to edit the shots, to make them fit better with the genre.
The first thing i went to do was to get a guitar to carry on recording bits for the trailer and trial my ideas to the group. At first i couldn't record the sound track straight away as i was unsure of how long the trailer would be, as Aimee hadn't cut to down shots yet, so i decided to wait till we had a rough idea of trailer length to start properlly recording, whilst waiting i just showed people what i had already, the light guitar finger picking at the start and how it builds up towards the end and spoke about my ideas, for other sound effects.
As Aimee got on with editing, with the rest of the group chipping in when she needed help. she was changing the contrast of some shots. With one of the shots of Kate running was very bright even when editted, the rest of the group were a little worried about this as they didn't think it would fit in with the genre and the rest of the trailer which was dark, but i told them that trailers are rarely in chrological order, so it didn't matter if it was a little sunny, but it still looked creepy. Aimee also had an idea about the beginning of the trailer to prevent it from looking to normal, as it starts off lovely and happy, to put people at a false state of relax, but it was looking a little boring, so Aimee said she had seen a trailer for a film called "A Stranger Calls" where it starts off ok, but uses a flash of a short take of an eye. the group really liked this suggestion and so agreed to test it out, we liked it so decided to have it in our fianl trailer even though it wasn't on our story board.
I got on with the sound track, by recording a demo of my orignal guitar idea on protools, this was only a rough cut so that i could see how long each part of the sound track could roughly be and start testing out drums and other sound effects. The start part of the soft guitar finger picking, which would be played over the top of the happy street shots could roughly go to about 30 seconds, which i felt was long enough. The build up guitar section that would go over the fast cuts could be stretched and made longer if needed and i would also add a drum beat as i have siad before and the group has also disscussed, but i needed to know how long each short take would be so i could fit the beat of the strumming and the beat in time, give the most impact to the shots, i estimated 3 seconds for each shot. I spoke to Aimee about this, as the trailer was nearly finished, she tried to change the shots to be in time, but some just couldn't be cut down any shorter than Aimee already had, as then they weren't effective. This ment that not all the short cuts were the same length, this ment that i couldn't time a gutiar beat to them well enough, as it just looked a little messy when i tried and there was no way Aimee couldn't edit the trailer to make them all the same length as some didn't look right short and others couldn't be made longer due to having to have certian things cut out. this also ment that i may not be able to time a drum beat to it well enough aswell, but i carried on trying to work on the right kind of drum beat effect in protools, using the boom kit, which i thought the most effective part of this was the kick tool when on the urban 1 setting, i thought that even though i couldn't fit the guitar in time with the shots well enough, i may be able to build up a good enough drum beat, that may not have to keep in time, just be there in the background and biuld tension. I had origanlly worked on it to go along with a guitar, which luara helped me with, as she is director i asked for her opion and what sounded better, but felt like i could adapt my ideas easily, i was also using the sound effect of a bass out of the garage band apllication, the best bass to go alongside the drums and guitar was the subsythn bass, as it sounded really deep, similar to the drums i already had and reminded me a bit of the sound effects used on the inception trailer. Even if we can't use the guitar parts i wrote for the second half of the trailer i think we will still use the drums idea the group had really liked.
The group also had disscussed earlyer certain sound effects for the trailer, such as heavy breathing and heart beats for the tension. We already had the sound effect recoreded of a gate closing which we did using my camera on location. To find these sound effects that the group wanted i looked i went in to the audio section and looked in sound track pro, i then went in to apple loops and the ilife section for sound effects. i found heart beat effect which i felt would work really well, either on it's own in a section of the trailer that we had prevously disscussed to be silent with just heart beats or heavy breathing, to help build tnesion before the big build up, but now that i am considering not using the guitars we may uses it in other areas, to help add atmosphere. i then foung to further sounds effects that could be used within the trailer, star drive, radio tunning and volcaneo. i thought all of these sound effects would help with building tension and atmosphere
I have been thinking about the opening to keep the same pretty tune i orignally planned to keep, but every time the eye that Aimee placed in flashes up the music will become distorted a bit like in the strangers trailer when they get attacked it becomes distorted. For the end i defiantly think it needs a beat to keep in time with the shots like a heart beat, but we may not be able to cut the shots down, so i will keep on working on this. i also think i will add the sound effects i have found in to the music, as after doing some research some trailers don't have an traditional soundtrack and instead have a collection of atmosphereic sound effects to build tension. i think a white noise might work really well.

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