Sunday 7 November 2010

Filming Two - 7/11/2010

Today we decided to try and film the rest of the shots for the trailer that we couldn't film in school, due to the location. So today we filmed on several locations, My street and many different wooded areas within the Wedge. Most the shots filmed today were wide shots, as we couldn't do wide shots at school due to the area of wood we have at school not being large enough to film good wide shots without getting something unwanted in shot. We all took on the roles we had previously agreed at the start of the course.
The first location used, was my road. This was for our establishing shot at the beginning, we felt my road would be easiest to use as it was near by and t looks like an ordinary street, as the first impression we want to give off is it's a normal nice day. When setting up the camera we realised that the road was not wide enough to get a good long and wide shot of the road, this resulted in us trying to find an entry we could back in to, so Hannah whilst filming could get a good enough shot of the street for the establishing shot. The entry was a little bit dark, but i tried to help with reflect the sun off a piece of paper to create light, as we weren't concentrating on sound, as it's all going to be added on in the end. Whilst filming w had a few problems when getting this shot, as cars and people kept getting in to shot and we just wanted it to be a plain establishing shot. The group decided that Hannah should pan the camera down the street, as we all felt it was really effective. we then moved on to a the close up door and key shot, the group discussed this at length on how we wanted it to look, originally i had thought it would look good as a close up on the key in the door, as Kate locks it, showing her hands and arms, Laura wanted a mid-shot of her locking the door, so you could see her walk away, Aimee and Hannah just wanted a close up of the keys and the door, we tried all the ways. The first shots were of the keys in the door, which looked to dull and we felt when watching them back that they would grab an audiences attention enough, at the beginning. So we tried Kate locking the door and walking away, which we felt worked much better, as you understood who we were concentrating on, like an establishing shot of the main actress.
We then moved on to our second location The Wedge, this was a great place to film as it was local and had a lot of great areas to film, places that were heavily wooded, good fields, place with paths and without, this ment we didn't need to travel far when filming and that we could get everything most of our wide shots finished. As we walked to location i noticed the sun set, i pointed out to our director Laura and our camera woman Hannah and they decided to film it as an extra shot that was unplanned, but the lighting looked slightly uplifting as it was really bright, but it was going down and getting dark, so it reflected she would be trapped soon. We then went on looking for a gate and field for Kate to walk through, we found a good one on a public right of way path, as the trees surrounding it were all bear and looked like stereotypical horror film stripped back look on the trees. We filmed Kate walking through the gate, then we re-shot the gate closing. I held the gate just off from shot so you could see me, then laura told me when to let go, the first time we filmed it, hannah caught my hand in frame, be when we re-shot it, it came out well. We then carried on to get some good wide shots of the wood, deeper in the wooded area. We got shots of Kate walking through the trees, still calm, me and the director walked Kate to where we wanted her to come from, with the help of hannah telling us if she could see us, as if Kate was emerging from the wood. We did a couple takes for this, one of her walking towards the camera and one of her walking away. We then moved on to a different par of the woods, to film a sort of establishing shot for the woods, it was in a really bare tunnel of trees, which had all started to attach at the top, so it looked very grey, especially without their leaves. Hannah took a static shot and a pan shot, Aimee helped to create sound effects in the background that we may use, as she snapped twigs. We then set up for a wide shot of Kate running paniced through the woods, we found this hard, as she ran to fast, so Hannah couldn't get enough camera time of her, so we tried to slow her running down a bit, but i was worried it looked to much like she was just walking, but we'll have to wait and see when we edit. As it was starting to get dark we spilt off in to different groups, Aimee and Laura went to set up the shrine scene while i painted my hand red to make it look like blod and placed it on a tree, this is going to be a short take, the first one hannah filmed was ten seconds long and of just a red hand print, which i felt was more effective, the second shot was a smudged dragged hand print, but we didn't feel it looked clear enough like a hand. Once this was done we went over to help Aimee and Laura finish the shrine, we hung pictures of Kate ff tree branches using pink string, it looked sort of like a fairy shrine, but at the same time creepy as the trees were bear of leaves and it was getting dark. Hannah took a couple shots of the shrine on it's own, then Laura directed Kate to how she should react to the shrine, i helped by suggesting Kate should turn around to look at all of them. We got some really good final shots for this.
This was the end of the shoot for today, i feel we completed alot of the film work and all we need now is to re-do some head shots and we can start editing.

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