Tuesday 16 November 2010

Editing - 16/11/2010

Today we decided to dedicate completely to editing our trailer together for the final piece. As we couldn't all edit and it's Aimee's job within the team to edit, something we decided on in our first we all took on our own roles so we could maximise our efficacy.
Before we got with any of our tasks, we sat and watched the film we had captured over the weekend and the re-shoots of close ups on Kate and discussed what we like and didn't like, i was really surprised at how well the filming from the weekend came out, even though it was only film on my Camcorder which isn't as powerful as the schools own cameras. We noticed a few mistakes within some shots, such as being able to see my hand in a shot that we thought we'd managed not get me in, it was the gate shot, but Aimee can crop this out when putting the trailer together. All the film was put on to the Mac's on Aimee's area so she could edit easily. the film on my camera couldn't be uploaded straight to fianl cut pro straight away, so Aimee uploaded it to Imovie, then transfering it to final cut pro.
We are using Final Cut Pro to edit everything together, as we find it the easiest to use, we all had a short introduction on how to use it, then we left Aimee to get on with editing the film according to our storyboard. I got on looking for a templates that we could place our producer logo on to, along with any text within the trailer, such as tag lines, it had to be something dark and eerie, with a good transition i looked in the effects section, where there is a big selection, for end titles and openings, but we just needed one that could easily slot in to our trailer. I looked in a folder named Light, i really like the templates in this folder, as it looked a bit like a camera flash, something we as a group had wanted in our trailer to link in with the storyline. I told Hannah and Laura about it and showed them, as they were making the producer logo, that would slot in to this template, they really liked it, and so we chose to use it.
Laura and Hannah carried on there research on logos, while Aimee edited and i got a guitar to record the soundtrack. I discussed with the music teacher about creating a drum beat in the background and said it was best to do it on the computer in some programs like garage band, so i will look further in to that.
After Laura and Hannah had finished making the logos in photoshop they put it to a vote, i liked the man and the camera the most, as i thought it look classic and simple, like most producer logos, but the rest of the group preferred the camera in a circle, which looks more futuristic and personal, so we went with that choice.
Once we had all finished our own jobs, or couldn't progress any further with them, like recording the soundtrack as i wasn't allowed to make noise as filming was going on next door, we went over to help Aimee and see what she had done so far, she had completed the first half of the trailer of all the happy street scenes and was just trying to place together the quickening shots, with the right bits of film. It's looking really good so far.
As i couldn't really record any music in this lesson, due to not being able to make noise as someone was recording next door, i instead looked in to how to use such programs as pro tools and garage band, i found some really usefull tools and effects, which i will use in further detail next lesson.

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