Friday 22 October 2010

22/10/2010 - Filming

Today was our first day of filming, with a view to use the film in our final trailer. Today's filming was decided with the group as mostly close up shots. The equipment we used today was the the tripod and camera, as we decided not to use the sound recording equipment on today's shoot.
We had to do to film mostly close ups today, due to the location of filming and the time of day, also because we wanted the best quality used on the close ups. Our location was the most wooded area in the school, which is good as in our transcript and storyboard, the girl gets lost in a woods, but the area didn't have enough trees to do any wide shots and also sits right next to a busy road and so we decided not to record sounds, as one we are having a sound track and no real sound and two the road would of been picked up too much, spoiling every shot.
All our roles for the trailer were decided before hand in a previous meeting before the summer. Hannah took on her role as the camera woman, working with the camera to get the best shots and the best places to put the camera for the shots and Laura worked well in her directing role for the trailer, directing Kate our actress and Hannah on camera. While Aimee helped to assist Laura, by focusing on the shots we had to film and helping Laura with decisions. As we weren't recording sound, i didn't need to get out the boom mic, so instead i tried to help by pitching in, by getting the costume for the actress and any props needed, i also helped to talk Kate through the scene we were filming. We all worked as a team and if someone was struggling we would all help them, if Hannah was struggling with how to get the best out of the camera or if Laura needed extra help on making a decision, we all pitched in to get the best. I feel we worked really well as a team, as we knew what we wanted out of the shots we were filming and the overall out come.
today we filmed most of the close up shots and some of the shots we want to use in the short take part of the trailer, such as Kate running past camera. The running past camera shot was something we tired a few times to get right as we were unsure of the best way of doing it. So we tired with Kate walking past the camera, which didn't give us a long enough shot, or enough of an impact, so then someone had the idea of having the camera follow Kate as she ran, this was a big job for Hannah our camera woman, as she had to keep up with Kate and get a good shot, it took a couple of takes of Hannah running behind kate,(some of which the rest of the crew accidentally get in, we will have to remember where the best place to stand is) we worked as a group to come up with a way to get the smoothest shot, something Hannah pulled of really well, when looking back over our recordings, as i feel these are some of the most impressive scenes we have so far.
We also decided to film the point of view shot, when the man is following her, as we felt the location was perfect, we had good enough trees to hide behind , but enough clearing to get a good view of Kate. For these shots Hannah took the camera off the tripod, as in the storyboard we decided to make it a hand held shot to make it seem more like someone is watching her by making it slightly joulty. For this shot we will also add heavy breathing, to really give the right effect.
When filming the close ups of Kate's face, with her looking round, or being scared we just kept the camera rolling, while Laura and the group gave directions to what we wanted in each scene, as there was no sound recording we could do this, that meant that if something wasn't working, instead of cutting we could just keep going, meaning we have a lot of film to edit with and a lot of film, which has potential to be really great.
This was a really great start to our filming and now we are discussing when we can go out and film more in a better wooded area, so we can film the bigger scenes, we are also thinking about the sound track and added sound effects.

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