Monday 18 October 2010

Final Film Poster - Group

This is a combination of all the groups drafts. I feel this has a really great impact and conveys the genre and story line of the film really well. It fits with all the conventions of a normal poster it has, a billing block, a title, the stars name, a release date, a tag line and a main image.
The black background really makes Laura's title and the other white text stand out. It also fits well with the horror genre. I really like Laura's title and the effect of liquify she used on it, it makes it seem really ghostly. The billing block looks really professional as well, as we used a found template, which really helped us. I like the new placement of the release date, as a lot of posters seem to put it there and i feel it stands out well. Also the new way we have put Kate's name at the top as the only actor, but also instead of having it going down, we stretched it out along the top, otherwise everything on the poster looked to centralized, now it looks really effective. The tag line was Aimee's and instead of putting it in the stereotypical horror genre text chiller, i felt putting it in a more classic looking text would make it stand out and it still looks slightly horror like, but in a less obvious way, especially combined with the red colour and the bevel emboss effect. We also replaced the old central image on the heart, with Laura's full length image of Kate as it had more impact, and stands out against the other photos around it. Overall i think this is perfect to represent our film.

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