Monday 18 October 2010

Meeting Log Four - Final Poster and Magazine

Our fourth meeting is about choosing our final everything, Poster, Magazine, Name, Tag line and Date. As we have all finished our final drafts and have been working on our own ideas, we decided to have a meeting to either combine some ideas or choose someones work as the overall best. We all printed off our final versions of our posters and magazines, with our own title and tag lines on them. We took our time and looked over each persons final poster of magazine and evaluated the good and bad points of each one, this was so we could get the best result and overall finish for our final group work.

The first thing we did was look at the posters, we talked about everyone's poster and our favirote bits from each and what we needed to have on the poster, to fit the conventions and make it look like a horror film poster. The first thing we looked at on the poster was the films title, a very important and key part to a film. The titles that were on offer were, "Flashing Trees" i didn't likes this as i felt it sounded to comic and the rest of the group didn't pick it, "Picture Perfect" though i liked my own title it wasn't picked by the group as it could sound a bit romantic, "One day" was Hannah's title, i did like this title, but like with mine it didn't fit the horror genre, it could be seen as romantic, Then Laura's "Click" which we all felt fitted and worked really well. As it's simple and snappy, one would, one sylabul, also it fits in with the idea of our film, that someone is following her with a camera, so the group decided on this. We also liked the way Laura presented the title on her posters, so we decided to keep the font and use of liquefy she uses. We then moved on to the Tag line, which is another important part of a film poster, as it gives a little more information away and can interest an audience in to seeing the film, so the tag line had to be just right. after looking at every ones we choose Aimee's "It lies beneath the trees" as we feel it has the right effect and also links to where we will be filming in the woods, this suggest something about the film, without giving to much away. When choosing what image will be on our poster the group were tied as me and Aimee really liked Laura's image and Hannah and Laura picked my heart images and the layout they were in. so we asked the teacher how we should decided and she suggested many ways, like evaluating both and which one we feel with give us more marks, but in the end we deiced to combine both poster images. Using my layout of a heart and the images within it, but using Laura's image as the main picture within the heart. This meant we would get a better over all finish. Me and Laura decided that we would work on the end poster together, as we are combing the most off our own draft posters. We decided to just use Kate's name at the top as she is the only actor within the trailer. We also need to work on the billing block, i managed to get a really good template for a billing block, so now we are just trying to fill it with information to make it look like a real billing block, stating every ones roles within the making. I also think we need to production logos, like Disney and Pixar use, for our own trailer and billing block.

When thinking about our magazine film cover, we choose a Masthead first. We chose Aimee's Masthead "Film Lovers" Not only because it is a perfect title for a film magazine, as it express a love for films, which is what we want people to be like if the by this magazine. Another reason we chose this Masthead is the quality of the design, it looks like a professional Masthead and i like the use of the heart representing love, it's a funny pun. The rest of the group also agreed that this was the best Masthead to use. We then started what images fits the magazine best and can still show the horror genre and story to our film. After looking at everyone's we decided none of the images really stood out for us or didn't reflect the feel we wanted in the magazine. Then Aimee showed the group some of her drafts with different images she had taken and manipulated, one of the images Aimee had we felt really fitted the brief we had, to be interesting enough to stand out on a magazine, whilst keeping to the genre. Even though she hadn't picked it for her final draft the group really liked it so now we are using it as our final image. After picking the image and title we had to think about the conventions to really add to the magazines finishing touches. so we looked at everyone's structure and choices of left hand thirds, with the over all structure i really think Aimee had done a good job at making it look cohesive and clear, whilst making it interesting, but there were a few things that the rest of the group could input on, such as different uses of texts and information on the magazine and how we wanted certain things presented. The way i had chosen to do Saw 3D with the chiller text and the liquefy to make it look like blood and the original title, was liked by the group and so this was put on to the magazine. Aimee's use of a plug bar at the bottom looked really good so we kept that in, as i feel it makes it look really professional. As a group we all felt the bar-code and price, along with any other information like that should be kept together on the magazine, so they are all easy to find and it also looks professional. For the main title for the film, we felt using the same way we did on the poster, would work best as then it will be recognizable, like iconography. We also decided to place the title under the image, so not to distract from the impact. I also really liked something off Hannah's magazine cover, the 39 horror films, as most magazines seem to do some sort of list and i also like the number, as it was odd. After choosing all of this to go on the magazine, we realized that it was all to do with the horror genre and as most film magazines cover all genres, not focusing on one, we wanted to fit in with conventions by adding "Massive horror special" as it is coming out around Halloween like the film. This was to make sure people new our magazine wasn't always all about horror, which just wouldn't have fitted conventions.

When we had all agreed on how our poster and magazine should look for our final drafts, we decided who was going to do what for the improvements. As me and Laura had the most of our own ideas on the poster, we went off to change and develop it together and Hannah and Aimee had the most ideas on the magazines so they also went off and worked together. We did this so the poster and magazine would be finished quicker, giving us more time to focus on filming.

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