Thursday 7 October 2010

Draft Six - Poster

This is my final poster draft i think, as i feel i have achieved and tested out everything i wanted, to get to this point, the poster works well to express the films premis i feel. I changed the background colour to a lighter blue, as i felt he photographs were already dark and they were being taken over by such a dark background, it does go against genre a little bit, but i think it was more important that the audience be able to see the pictures properly, but it stil stick with conventions as it is a dark colour. I also worked on the blood on this poster, after i had tested a few different ways of doing it, i put it to work on this poster using the brush i felt worked best during my tests. I really think this works well and looks alot like actual dripping blood. i also used the idea of making sure all the elements of the poster worked together, by making the blood drip down on to the title, i really think this looks effective, as it makes the blood look even more like blood and helps fit in with the genre of Horror. I also added a blood smudge behind the release date to make it stand out, as the red really contrast with the use of red and links everything to the horror genre. Another big change was the fact i change the title back to the old version, i just felt it being in red like my fifth draft didn't work and over powered the whole poster, i aslo thought it made it look really cheesy, which isn't what i'm going for. i also embossed the tag line in red using the chiller font this ment it stood out against Kate's name and would catch people's eyes an important thing when making a poster for a film, as you want as many people as you can see it. The billing block still isn't the best as i don't feel it looks professional, but this is the best i could do, i made it with plain font, so it wouldn't be distracting and put everyone's name in it. this is my final draft and will submit it to the group when we make our final decision with our promotional pack.

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