Friday, 16 July 2010

First Trailer Draft

First Draft from Hannah on Vimeo.

This was our first attempt of putting together a trailer, we were trying to focus on getting used to the equipment and roles we would be playing for future trailers, so that we can get the best results for our final piece. This was also our first attempt at putting together a trailer from the short storyline and genre we had come up with during our first meeting. We wanted to give the trailer the effect that someone was watching the girl wandering through the woods being watched. We filmed on the school site, which sadly doesn't really have any woodlands and as it was school time it was very bright out, these facts mean the trailer didn't really have the creepy effect we wanted, as most horror/thriller films aren't filmed in broad daylight or they have at least cloudy darker weather to build the tension as it is traditional for horror/thriller films to be dark. So the sunny weather didn't work in our film, this tells us we need to check weather reports before filming and possibly film towards the end of the day as it gets darker, to get the right effect, also these trees are near a main road, which you can clearly hear through out, it was my Job to do sound, but to many cars were going past constantly for us to wait and we just had to work around it, next time we will have to find a much more secluded area, a better forest. Even though we may not have had the perfect setting or lighting to get our story across, we felt it was a good start and we now know that we really do want to go down the Horror/Thriller genre and stick with the short sum up story line we already have, which we will be developing on when we each make a story board for our trailer, so we can get the bast of our ideas put in to the trailer. We would also be looking at different actors as i don't want o play a part in the trailer apart from the job i have already been given, as i don't think i fit the part and i can't be fully focused on sound, whilst i am acting.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Year Ten Auidence Research

After interviewing year eights who were predominately aged 13, we felt we needed to look a little wider for our audience research to get a clear picture and the genre the group has settled on is thriller action and we felt that younger audiences wouldn't suit this sort of genre and so we are looking at older teens, mainly 15 year olds in this focus group, to aim this promotional pack at.

Audience Questionnaire

Film Magazine Front Covers

What appeals to you most about the front cover?

Which colours or colour schemes appeal to you?

How do you like the text to be, which appeals to you most?

Which image do you like from the front covers and why?

What are your first impressions and what stands out the most?

Any thing you didn’t like?

Film Posters

Why do you think this poster appeals to you?

Do you like a film to have a tag line and why?

What stand out the most on this poster to you?

Do you feel that this poster puts across the story of the film?

Does this poster make you want to see it?

Anything you didn’t like?

Film Trailers

First response and reaction to trailer?

Best bits of the trailer and why?

Anything you didn’t like?

The film front covers we used -

Film Posters we used -

For the trailers we used the same ones from the year eight research, as we felt that they had a good enough spread of Genre within each of them and that at least two of the trailers (Lovely Bones and Harry Potter) fitted the style of genre we want to explore within our promotional pack. We also felt that they fitted the age range of teen well, the age range we will more likely choose to aim our promotional pack at.

The first person i interviewed was a female, aged 15, in response to the first set of questions she said -

- She choose Xmen's front cover over the others, due to the striking central image, which made the magazine very powerful looking and important, it stood out, it didn't blend in. The reason behind why she was drawn to the xmen poster and why the image was the most appealing thing on the front cover may be because, the stance used by the model, it show authority, it isn't weak or lacking in emotion, it also connects well to the film, which is an action. The model is also looking out in a very powerful way, he doesn't let the rest of the magazine overshadow the image, he also doesn't give direct eye contact, driving an audience to want to see what he is seeing.
- The colour scheme on the xmen front cover attracted the girl, because she said that they were dark and mysterious, which fit the genre, this told me that i have to make sure the colour scheme on the magazine linked to the genre of the film, as xmen is quite mysterious and dark. She also said it made it looked good, as it didn't look cheesy.
- When asked how she liked the font on the magazine, she said the xmen one was good. To further this i asked her what appeals most about it, she said the use of different styles of fonts and for the sizes of the font to be varied, as it makes the magazine more interesting looking.
- She choose the Xmen due to the image, this once again tells me that the image is one of the most important things to get right for our promotional pack, as a bad image could ruin the look and genre i am going for, this means i will have to do further research in to how horror genres represent and put across the aim of the film with the use of images.
- The thing that stood out most about the xmen front cover for the first girl was that the magazine front cover conveys the films genre well and was the front cover is so engaging for the audience you want to go and see it.
- when asked if she would change anything on this magazine cover she answered nothing.

For the second set of questions i asked the 15 year old about movie posters -

- When asked which one appealed most to her and why, the girl answered that it was the scariest and so it jumps out at you and you want to know what it is and what is happening, this shows me that the poster must grab attention, but at the same time not to give to much away, which fits in with the idea of doing a a genre like Thriller or horror as that is how most act until the very end where everything is revealed.
- The same went for the tag lines used on the poster, she felt it gives you a little information, that further interest you in to find out more or they confuse you and you want to what they are on about. This once again tells us that tag lines can be an important part of a poster.
- Something that stood out about the poster was the images used, but instead of before, the people in the poster being the most important, this time it was the scenery where the people where, as you don't know and it looks very unfamiliar, also the fact you can't really see the people within the image makes the poster very dark and mysterious, the girl interviewed felt like this made the poster interesting as you wanted to know more about the setting.
- She didn't feel that the poster put across the story line of the film much, apart from that it isn't going to be a nice film, but she said this makes you want to see it more, the mystery.
- When asked weather she'd see the film based on this poster, she said yes, as it looks dark and mysterious.
- I asked her if she felt anything could be changed to improve the poster, she answered no.

I then asked her a set of questions based around the three trailers (Lovely Bones, Killers and Harry potter) to see what stood out most

- Lovely Bones: Her first reaction to this trailer was that it looks good, as the trailer seemed to tell a good jist of what the film is about, but in a way that built up the tension and leaving you hanging in certain parts of the story, so this would make you want to see it. She also liked the pace of the trailer, as it starts off soft and slow and gives the impression that it's a nice film, but then the pace quickly changes and becomes much darker and quicker, this is exactly how horror thriller films build tension they trick in to a false sense of security, something my group will have to look at doing when filming our trailer, as it's hard to do without looking cheesy. Something that stood out for her was the music also, as she said it built well in to a fast paced track, full of emotion and it fitted well with the story and what was happening, she felt that music track it important to set the right mood.

- Killers: She had seen this trailer before hand in the cinemas and said it was very appealing, as she liked the comedy within the trailer, as my group aren't doing a comedy, we can maybe taken on board the fact that we need to get the right look, to make sure it stand out as a horror/thriller, so people don't get it confused. The parts of the trailer that stood out most for her were the narrative voice over the top, this helped with extra explanation. She also likes the slides of text in between the images, which as a group we discussed using within our own trailer, this helps to break up scenes and stops giving to much away, as when the trailer is building and is about to give something away we can cut to a slide of text instead making people want to watch it.

- Harry Potter: Out of all the trailers seen she like this one the most over the others. Reasons for this are how fast paced and full of action it is, there isn't a dull monet in the hole trailer and it only slows down to give more information towards the end. What helps to keep this pace up is the music, which i already know is a very important part of the trailer, th egirl liked the music alot as she felt it followed the story of the trailer well. She liked the action within the trailer and would see it in the cinemas.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Meeting Log One - Genre

In this meeting we set the agenda to first of all discuss our genre for our promotional pack, but we also looked at what we may contain within in the trailer we will produce for the promotional pack.

- After discussing the possibility of how we could do other genres we settled on the idea of a Thriller Horror, as with our first audience research we felt the Year 8's responded better to the trailers of that genre or the of a similar style, We will also take in to consideration any further research response we receive, but overall with the research done there was a very positive response towards this genre and we feel as a group that we can achieve a very good final product. if we decided to go down that route with our genre, as a group we will need to do deeper research in to all elements of the promotional pack for films of this genre, such as, One Hour Photo, The Hills Have Eyes, Inception, Lovely Bones and American Beauty, we decided as a group collectively that researching these films will benefit us when putting our promotional pack together and settling on our final ideas.

- This discussion led us on to talking about how we will put our first draft trailer together, as we had seen and looked at many horror thriller films and there trailers we started thinking about our favorite aspects from each trailer. This lead us on to building an idea of what sort of trailer effects would engage a viewing audience, such as the pace of the trailer, weather it should build from slow to a quick and hectic pace, as this seems the norm for most trailers, especially thrillers, also we looked at sounds, music and sound effect within the piece, as they need to relate and fit with the piece, as i feel music can make or break a piece, it needs to build at the same time that the trailer does, helping to build suspense and tension. We also thought about a rough storyline, so that we could get to start on trying out these effects and ideas.

- When looking at a storyline, we all discussed and shared ideas of how we expected and wanted our final out come to be for the trailer,on sharing our ideas we came up with a rough short idea for our first draft of the trailer to see what how effective it would be. The first idea we had for our trailer to be based around was, A young girl leaves her house and goes on a walk through the woods, but someone is following her, this simple idea could become very effective with camera shots and sound effects. The type of effects we would add to the trailer to make it fit in with the genre of thriller horror instead of just a girl taking a stroll, would be the way we placed the camera, we'd have it behind trees, so our view of the girl would be obscured adding suspense to what may happen next, we have also thought of sound effects to add, such as a camera click, to put across the idea that someone is following the girl, we also thought that to break up the scenes that we could put up text on a plain background, like most trailers do, giving more information to what is going on such as the tag line and release date. Then there was the idea of putting the camera click noise together with the shots of text within the trailer, we think this would give the trailer a very dark feel, putting it into the thriller genre we want, it would also make it seem slightly more professional we think. after having the girl walk through the woods normal with the effects suggested being done, the shots would start to get short and quicker, building in suspense, we'd have shots of the girl running, cut up with shots of blood stained trees and body parts and other gruesome things. these quick shots would be put together along with the sound effect of a heart beat, which would pick up tempo and keep time with the pace of the quickening shots, this would add tension and grab an audiences attention, making there heart beat raise, along with there excitement and want to know what is going on, this is the aim for our trailer and we feel that this would be very effective and also meet the genre of thriller horror very well.

- Also within this meeting we discussed roles we would play with in the team, i would concentrate more on the sound and lighting within the trailer. The deadlines we have given ourselves is to get our first draft trailer done, ready so that in our next meeting we can evaluate our first attempt.

Friday, 9 July 2010

Year Eight Auidence Research

We started our audience research by interviewing students aged 12-13, so that we can see the type of genre which appeals most to them and how promotional packs can get their attention, so that my group can make an informed decision of what type of route we will take with our promotional package and how to aim it at the right type of audience in the most effective way. We made up a questionnaire, asking them about trailers, posters and front covers, to get the best result and to help steer us in the right direction with our promotional packs. this is the questionnaire we used -

Audience Questionnaire

Film Magazine Front Covers

What appeals to you most about the front cover?

Which colours or colour schemes appeal to you?

How do you like the text to be, which appeals to you most?

Which image do you like from the front covers and why?

What are your first impressions and what stands out the most?

Film Posters

Why do you think this poster appeals to you?

Do you like a film to have a tag line and why?

What stand out the most on this poster to you?

Do you feel that this poster puts across the story of the film?

Does this poster make you want to see it?

Film Trailer -
Lovely bones/Killers/Harry Potter

- First impressions of the film trailer?

The trailers we used -

The front covers that we used were -

Film Posters used -

The first person we spoke to was a girl named Demi aged 13

In response to the first questions about the film covers she said

- that she liked it when she could recognise people on the front cover and preferred the Dark knight front cover.
- She choose the Dark Knight front cover due to the colours being simple and not over powering or to much colour and so decided she preferred a simpler colour scheme of only a couple colours that tie in with the film or go well together.
- She liked the headings of the magazine to be big so to catch your eye, but to have extra information on the front cover, just in a smaller font.
- out of all the front cover images she choose the iconic Dark Knight as she felt it stood out, yet was simple and not to distracting. it was just a bold interesting image that caught your eye.
- First impressions of the magazine were that she liked the image, meaning that i need to get an iconic image, striking to catch peoples eyes, but not busy and to over powering, which Demi said she preferred to some magazines covers that she felt tried to hard, such as the Xmen cover.

In response to the second questions about the movie posters Demi said
- The reason she liked the posters on offer were because they were interesting, but she liked the second Lovely Bones poster more due to it's detail
- Demi told us that she liked to have a tag line and preferred it to be short and simple, but at the same time reveals something making you want to watch it to find out what it means.
- She said what stood out the most to her in the second Lovely Bones poster was the detail, the way the tree leaves had been photo shopped to add the extra detail to the poster and makes it stand out, as it's unique.
- The feeling she got from this poster was that the film may be about something creepy and dark, the film is creepy and so you can tell the poster has filled it's job.
- when asked if she would see this film due to the poster, Demi answered yes, telling me that the poster had met all the conventions when meeting target audiences interests.

For the third question i asked her about her first impressions of each film based on the trailer -
- Lovely Bones: The trailer was very hectic and fast paced, this was interesting as you only caught a glimpse of what was going on, but enough of the film to understand what it was about, making you want to go and see it, Demi said she liked this type of trailer. She thought the soundtrack to this trailer is very important as it built up tension and it built with the trailer, she felt that a soundtrack is very important. This trailer is very close to the type of trailer my group would like to produce as it is in the genre of horror thriller, which is one of the genres we would like to look at.

- Killers: Demi liked this trailer because of the well known good looking star, who is playing a lead role within the film. even though we can't provide a well known film star, when casting the rolls for the trailer we could look at making sure the people in the roles were dressed in the right way to get the right attention, if my group decided on a chick flick genre. she also said she liked the facebook reference at the end of the trailer as it is a site she uses often, this shows that the trailer has thought about what there target audiences do most, meaning they can connect with the right type of audiences.

- Harry Potter: Once again Demi felt this trailer was very fast paced, with lost of action going on with in it, yet keeping up the suspense, as the trailer doesn't give all the details away. She also felt the music was important on creating an atmosphere and tension within the film, as the fast paced movement of the trailer wouldn't of worked without the right type of music. This trailer also suits one of the genre my group have been looking at, which is thriller fantasy, the use of music and fast paced takes seems to be a big thing withing most trailers with the same genre, so my group will have to look at this further so we can make the right choices.

We then interview another girl of the same age, named Shannon

In response to the first set of questions Shannon had this to say
- Shannon choose the dark night aswell as the front cover that stood out the most and her reason for this was beacuse the image was very striking
- She liked the colour scehem for this fornt cover to as the colours went well together and didn't over power each other in anyway, but also stood out.
- She liked the text to be different sizes so that the more important things standout and then the smaller writting can be read after to get more imformation.
- The reason she like the image on the front cover of Empire was becasue it was a close up, meaning there was a lot of detail in it and it was also very striking.
- The thing that stood out for shannon about the magazine was very similar to Demi, she liked the iconic image of the Joker, this tells me that i must concentrate on getting the right image for the magazine to make it work
Shannons response to the second set of question to do with movie posters
- She picked both the lovely bones posters when asked which appealed to her and why it appealed to her, was becasue it looked different and interesting, not like any other poster she had seen. she also liked the use of colours in it.
- Shannon said she liked tag lines that told you a bit about the film. she also likes it if she can spot a famous actors name that she recognises on the film poster
- The images stood out most for Shannon, as she felt they were the more important features on the poster, like on the magazine. along with the bright interesting colours, which she says reflected the film, as there were dull grey clouds, to do with the dark things that happen, along with birght colours assoiscated with happyer times.
- The poster put across a creepy feeling, with the use of the figures in the both posters to do with the Lovely Bones.
- she has already seen this film, but says as the poster is interesting and eye catching she would of seen the film because of the poster.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Research Excisting Product - Inception Film Trailer

- First shot of a figure is a close up of Leonardeo Dicaprio's face and so we know he must play an important role from the start, this will also help to intrest people straight away, as it's a close up we just see his face and DiCaprio is a very well known actor and so people may be drawn to see this straight away due to this fact

- The music builds tension as it cresdos across the peice, this is a big elment of the tralier as it gets people excitted and the big bangs grad peoples attention while it plays, making you watch it.

- We also get a glimpse of the tag line, tying up the promotional pack, all together and also it sticks in your head, so when reapeat people will know what you are on about.

- There is no narrative voice over, as that would ruin the tension built by the music and the genre of the film dosen't suit a voice over, instead each scene of film is broken up by a slide of text, full of different infomation, either whho is driecting or staring, to when the film is out, this breaks up all the scenes and so the trailer dosen't just come at you fast, it gives you time to think, while possibly intersitng you more, in to seeing the film with the use of the infomation.

Research Excisting Product - Inception Film Poster

- This film poster meets most conventions for film posters, as it has a tag line "Your Mind Is The Crime Scene" Which is also used in the advertisement campaigns such as the trailer, this helps the audience link all the promotional items together and it means that when they hear that line they will either remember where it's from or be reminded of it and so will try to find where it's from. Tag lines help to tie a promotional pack up and are usually catchy and short, so they stick easier in peoples minds, but sometimes they could be a riddle or revealing something a little extra about the film, but in such away that it doesn't confuse, but makes people more excited to find out what it means, tag lines can be very helpful and important. as well as that placed just above the tag line is the name of the star,reasons for the tag line being placed up by the name of the star maybe because this means it will be seen by more people, as when people want to go see a film they usually look at what actors are in it and so by placing the tag line by the stars names may give it more impact, it may have also been placed there because it if it was placed anywhere else it would obstructed the image and the posters image is more important, as that is the first thing an audience will see and judge, before reading further. It has a billing block in the usual place, with a release date, which also offers extra information of where you could see, which means they are also advertising other products on their poster, products they have probably made deals with and the IMAX is a well know 3D and better quality viewing cinema chain. We get the title near the bottom where most titles are put, it is in a different font and colour to make it stand out against the rest of the poster, so that is captures your attention and you remember the name of the film, otherwise the poster would be pointless, also by the title of the film there is added information about the director, this information tells audiences what type of film it may be and may also be an added incentive to go and see the film if they have enjoyed similar films or films that have been directed before by the same director, like a puff on a magazine, it gives the poster just some more added information that can draw an audience.
- The image used for this promotional poster is very striking. it has clearly been photo shopped, as waves would not normally be around these buildings and the colour will have been altered, this effect makes it seem much darker and menacing, much like the film is trying to present itself. Also the way the figure has been place right in the middle between the towering buildings, makes the buildings seem even taller and powerful, it makes the poster very striking, but by placing the figure in the centre shows this character must be a main component and he also has an air on control, even though he is smaller than the buildings his stance in the picture and where he is placed show control or at least defiance, in fact his size compared to the buildings in this image may have been photo shopped as he seems big in contrast to the buildings. The way this poster is put together is clearly not natural and so creates a more striking effect, which would catch the attention of people walking past. The figure has his back to the audience looking at the poster, this may create and interest as people want to see his face or find out more, it also makes it harder to connect with the poster, showing it isn't going to be a lovely family film, it reflects the thriller genre of the film, but you can see slightly the side of the face, which means the figure isn't full cut off. The added effect of the waves within this image add movement to the poster, implying the action within the film.
- The colour scheme for this poster is dark, with mostly blues, blacks and some white lettering, reflecting the nature of this film and that it isn't going to be a fun happy film, it's going to be a dark action thriller. The use of white lettering means that it doesn't distract from the images on the posters, which is the thing most people will make a judgement on first and you don't want to take away from the impact of the image. The only this in colour is the movie title "inception", this will be because it is an important thing to remember from the poster and so to put it in red to contrast against its background helps to stick it in peoples minds. although the font sued to right "inception" in is slightly hard to read against the back ground, but it is a font used in the trailer to linking everything to together and also the movie is about mind games and so maybe the font is trying to reflect that in some way.
- I believe that this poster meets and targets its audience well, down to what the figure is wearing, to the use of colour, they all fit a very action genre look and appealing to men. also the mentions of other related films helps to capture the right audience quickly as people will know if it's the right movie for them if they have liked the other films the director has done. Also the technology available to see this in, will appeal to a further specialist audience, who are very in to there action films, as the mention of viewing in IMAX cinemas, would be a highlight for some viewers and make them want to see it more, as IMAX are well know for showing more action thriller films as they have specially designed screens to suit fast motion, loud movies, with precise detail in each frame and so to offer IMAX viewing would reach the right audience that this movie is aimed at in a very specific way.

Research Excisting Product - Inception Magazine Front Cover

- This Empire magazine front cover is for the film Inception. It still has all the normal devices for a magazine, with Masthead, Left hand thirds and puffs, but due to the nature of the film and because this is a film magazine it tries to cater to the films storyline, meaning that all the writting looks like it is being sucked in to the centre or being bent out of place, this also means the centre picture is made further emphasised as the text seems to revolve around the main featured movie, this is because it would of been the biggest release of that month and so would get the most magazine space. It almost looks like a poster for Inception as the magazine front cover is almost taken over by it, the way the text placed is manipulated by the feature, meaning they become slightly harder to read and so your eye is just draw to the the main headline. Everything on this front cover is very well placed, unlike the Truman Show magazine front cover, it is cultured, it is well spaced and gives enough room for each section within the magazine, but at the same time draws your eye right to the main feature. It looks very slick and of high quality, which suits the movies genre very well to because it is a fantasy action thriller and as the magazine front cover says "The Matrix Meets 007 'On Steroids' " This tag line, helps to quickly sum up what type of film this is and as those films are already very well known, it would help to attract the right type of audience to the film and to read the magazine, even though it is a very simple round up of the film, it would make sense and grab the right type of audience and along with the front covers well put together sleekness it fits in with the film.
- This is a very stereotypical image for and action thriller and looks like a few 007 images. The image defiantly dominates the issues cover, in fact the head of the image covers the P out of Empire, even though this Masthead is very well known and so can let images overlap, it overlaps a large portion, this also shows the film isn't a fun and games film, it gives the film a sense of power and action by having it overlapping the Empire Masthead. Another reason Empire decided to let the head of the image over lap it's masthead, maybe because Leonardo DiCaprio, is a well known film star and has the starring role within this film and so Empire realise that when people are buying magazines they will look for the masthead to see what magazine it is and so if they see Leonardo DiCaprio's face amongst the mastheads on the shelf, people may be drawn to it and want to buy it more. It's a very striking photo that has clearly been photo shopped as well, to get the dark effect and to give Leonardo DiCaprio a menacing look, which fits in with the genre of film. The image is also very central and balanced apart from his head which is tilted off to the side so he isn't looking directly act you, this makes the image harder to connect with as you don't get eye contact, but on the other hand you want to know what he's looking at. The costume in this also fits the 007 action man stereotype, showing he is smart, which appeals to men as they like action films and may want to dress like that and women as they may be attracted to this look. The image features a gun, but the magazine owners must be careful at how they place it because they don't want to look like they are promoting gun crime, but at the same time this is a movie featuring guns and is that type of action thriller, so by placing it near the bottom of the picture you don't draw much attention to it and it's almost the last thing you look at as it's close to the bar code.
- Very simple colour scheme with this magazine issue, as they don't want to distract from the main image or the effects they have used on the text around. most the writings in black to suit the dark background of blue, apart from the masthead and the main title, this would be to draw attention to these sections, as they would be seen as the most important sections of the magazine, as the magazine is trying to advertise Inception the movie and then as an added incentive to by the magazine they have extra information in a duller colour.
- This would meet target audiences as it would be more aimed at most men and maybe some women, as it has a dark colour scheme and so isn't trying to use flashy tricks to draw people in and has a steryotical actuion thiller look witgh the star carrying a gun and wearing a suit. Also the specail effects of the slanted writing which is easy to do, would draw the right auidence as this would appeal and interest them to look at, as it's not right and magazines don't useually have this effect.

Research Excisting Product - The Truman Show Film Trailer

- The first shot we see in this trailer is of a television being flicked through to try and find something to watch, this sets up the rest of the trailer as we know it is going to be something to do with TV or the programs on them, This first scene would also grab a persons attention as it is a familiar scene of everyday life and so audiences would be able to connect with it. After this set up of the first scene has been used, it is then used time and time again within the trailer, reminding us that this movie must be about TV and not just a little bit about TV, the hole film is based around Truman and how is life has been broadcast around the world through TV and so the trailer needs to reflect the constant TV demand, which it does. In this trailer we see the use of lots of different shots, most are either close up of other characters or close ups of Truman, this helps the audience establish who is in the film and if they like a person they see starring in a role, they may decided to see the film on that decision, this fits trailer conventions. But because this film is based on a storyline about Truman being stuck in a reality TV show, the trailer must convey that by using shots from hidden cameras, so we get alot of odd images or ways of seeing things withing the trailer, as it has to fit reality TV conventions, this makes the trailer stand out as it doesn't fit all conventions, it will also help the audience understand what to expect when they go to see the film. The takes for this trailer are long at the beginning, as it is supposed to be a film about a man being followed in his everyday life by a reality TV program and to start with the film has a very cheesy feel to it, but as the trailer progresses the audience get to see there is more behind the cheesy grins, this means the takes get short and the trailer gains a very fast paced feel to it, this is so you start to understand what's behind the film, but at the same time it doesn't give away everything, making people interested and wanting to find out, so they will go see the film. Also at the very end of the trailer, before the effect of someone turning off the TV, which once again reinforces the fact it's about a guy on TV, we see the use of the tag line "On The Air Unaware" this tag line helps to tie in the rest of the promotional pack, it also gives a little catchy thing to remember when you see it and this tag line slightly hints at what the film contains and is almost a sum up of the storyline, without giving to much away, this helps to interest an audience. Also near the end, we are given a billing block within the trailer, this helps to give promotion to people involved and anyone who gave money towards the film, this use of the billing block within a trailer gives promotion to a further audience that may not see the posters or read the billing block on a poster. The last shot we get in the trailer is of Jim Carreys face, as he plays Truman, on a TV screen, which then cuts to an audience cheering for him, this helps to remind the audience and involve them as they are also an audience to The Truman Show, that this film is about a man on reality TV and so as they see the audience on the trailer are excited and happy for Truman they may also want to find out why and become happy for Truman too, so this will interest them in seeing it.


Research Excisting Product - The Truman Show Film Poster

- This film poster for The Truman Show meets poster conventions, as it has a billing block, tag line, release date, name the of stars, central image and movie names, all of these fit elements of normal posters, which makes sense as this film isn't the type of film to try and challenge conventions, even though it is a film that sort of challenges peoples ideas of the world, TV and popular culture, but they need people to be able to connect and relate to the film, so that the film will have the desired effect and move people to empathise with the main character. The billing block is full of producers, directors and different stars of the film, giving people recognition on the poster, without taking over the poster completely. On this film poster there is a tag line of "On The Air, Unaware" This gives the poster a little bit more than just being an image for people to figure out, with the tag line it can give a catchy phrase related to the film, this means it can be brought up in the trailer or whenever spoken about and the promotional pack will all be linked to together. The main stars name is right at the top, like normal, but usually there is more than one persons name up there, but Jim Carrey has been given the space on his own, meaning his name is in a larger font and clearer to see, this may be because of Jim Carrey's status, it could also be linked with the fact the film is called The Truman Show and Jim Carrey plays Truman the main character and so when people look at the poster it may be all they need to know.
- There is one central picture used on this poster campaign, it has clearly been photo shopped to look like Truman's (Jim Carrey's) life is being streamed out in to the world to thousand of people, which you can see at the bottom of the poster, this effect sums up the movie in a simple way, as the film is about a man who's life is streamed across the world. This poster would interest audiences to want to find out why his life is being streamed, but at the same time doesn't confuse people as it is rather straight forward and easy to figure out, it also is an iconic image, as it's not something you see everyday and if you saw it again you'd know exactly what film it belonged to. This is good as filmmakers don't want there film to look like the next film, they want them to stand out and stay in peoples minds for years after, or be reminded of them the next time they hear the tag line and this is what this film and poster does.
- This poster gets it's target audience by being simple and not alienating people, as that's not what type of film it is, it's made to make you think and so that's what the promotional pack does. the poster makes you wonder why his life is on TV, this makes you want to see the film and then when you have seen the film, you realise why and then as the film intends you think about the world today and technologies effects. these ideas would be aimed at a older audience and so the use of a simple poster works to attract this type of audience, as it isn't big a flashy, and so may not attract younger audiences or people looking for horror or fantasy films.

Monday, 5 July 2010

Research Excisting Product - The Truman Show Magazine Cover

This is an old Empire magazine front cover, feature The Truman Show movie on the front.

- This front cover fits the conventions of most magazines. It has a masthead, left side third, puffs and other pictures not just the main central picture advertising The Truman Show. The front cover is very crowded and covered in writing to do with various aspects of the magazine, this could be to do with, the nature of the film they have as the central image, as The Truman Show is a fictional reality show and so Empire maybe trying to emulate more gossip magazine conventions. The Masthead covers part of the main picture, so it stands out against the rest of the magazine which would then attract peoples eyes, due to the fact it is a very cluttered front cover this would balance it out and draw peoples eye instead of taking it away. all the text is placed neatly around the centeral image, which helps to organise the text on the front cover. The name of the show is in large font which almost matches the size of the Masthead, showing that it must be important, as this gives the film equal status to the magazine which it is being promoted on, this also means they eye my be attracted to the name of the magazine first and then drawn further down to the title of the film, which will help to advertise the film and may mean people buy the magazine for that fact.
- The main central image used for this magazine is a close up of the main actor and star Jim Carrey in character as Truman, you can tell he is in character as he is pulling a cheesie expression and it fits with the fake reality show film premis, it also fits the conventions of most film magazines to have their central image a shot from the film or a photo taken with the actors in character, as they are trying to put across the latest films and this is how they advertise to their audiences and it gives people an opurtinity to make a quick snap judement on a film, so the image must convey the genre and style that the film is, becasue then they will either decided it's not for them or want to find more out and buy the magazine. The use of this close up of such a famous star would also help attract people to reading the magazine to find out what Jim Carrey's latest film is. Down in the left hand corner there is the iconic image of Leonardo Dicapreo and Kate Winselt from titatnic, this film was also coming out around the same time and so shares some magazine space. This picture for the Titanic is much smaller because it isn't the main film, but it shows that the magazine has more content within and that it isn't just all about the Truman Show, also this picture used is very ionic of the film Titanic and so readers would recognise the image straight away and so may not need a larger picture, unlike The Truman Show a brand new film, with a unknown storyline.
- The use of colour on this front cover is very mixed, there isn't a colour scheme pattern really at all, apart from Empire's name which is iconically big and red, to catch peoples eyes on the shevles when they are shopping. The rest is a mix of blue, black, yellow, red and white, this makes the front cover look very mixed up and confusing, but this could be because of the gossip magazine feel, due to the films concept being a realilty type show.
- This is an old version of Empire and so they may not have the technology to make it up to magazine front covers of today, and so if you were targetting this magazine at film buffs today they may not go for it, as it dosen't have the sort sleek film magazine feel as magazines do now. But then again people may pick it up as it does look different and it has the kind of gossip magazine look to it and so it would be different, to other things on the shelf around.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Research Excisting Product - Amelie Film Trailer

At the start of this Trailer we are given some of the producers titles, which is usual as they own or have funded parts of this film and so are given advertisement/recognition.

- The Trailers first shot isn't an establishing which is how anything usually starts, as it tells the audience where the action is and gives them an idea of what the film may be about, but instead Amelie starts with several short fast takes of close ups of many of the characters within Amelie and who she goes on to help, all these shots fade to black, showing they are seperate lives, they may have used this to start the trailer as the film isn't about where you are, it's much more universal and about helping people, which can be done all over the world, this fits in with it's inspirational romantic genre. The longest takes we get after the short takes of other characters are generally close ups or mid shots of the character Amelie, this tells the audience who the story revoles around. Then one of the last shots of the trailer the character Amelie looks directly at the camera, this breaks the fourth wall and even though this film is sort of a nautralitic film, it has an edge of magic to it, so this again fits with the genre. The tralier goes in almost shows clips from the film in order of how the story goes, giving a gilpse of the story without giving to much away this would intrest people to go and watch it and find out more. This is how most traliers go they want to tease you in to seeing it, so wont straight out tell you the story within the trailer, but they still need to give the audience a taster to interest them in to seeing it.

- To go along side the shot, there is alot of Non-diagetic sound. The use of the backing track alongside the tralier helps to build an a quick fast paced feel, which suits the trailer as it fits with how long shots are, this alos would make the audience excitted, making them want to see it more. It also has a slightly magical or uplifitng feel to it, as the piece is in a major key, it would naturally make people listening happy. This music is sort of sterotypically french as it has an accordian in it, whihc people would associate with french music, this may tell an audience that it will be in french or at least it is set in france, this would draw the right type of audience for the film. The music used on the trailer is also the music used through out the film, like a theme tune and is easily recognisable. The voice over is sterotypical of most trailers, this gives the audience a little more explaination to what the film is about, he gives them a short narative round up without giving important plot points away. The voice used for the trailer is friendly and warm, this fits with the film as its the type of film that should make you happy.

Friday, 2 July 2010

Research Excisting Product - Amelie Film Poster

- This Poster meets most movie poster conventions, with the name of the actors or stars at the top of the poster, the image also fits in with the genre and is the image is placed in the centre to attract the most attention, it will also be the first thing people notice when looking at poster before they read, so it has to be interesting. It then gives the name of the movie in bright colours that contrast against the others to draw your attention to the movie poster after you hve noticed the striking image. It also has a large billing block, whch is normal as it shows the people associated with the film.
- The centeral image helps to put across to the audience the genre or what type of film this is, in the case of Amelie film poster it gives off a very mystical edge, as the image has odviously been editted in someway to give the figure a odd colour, making her very pale with the red and black standing out, the colours used are almost solid block colours, which isn't natural, which could give conotations of how it isn't quiet a natralistic film. The background for the poster also gives an element of non-naturalistic, as the use of different shades of green and the stars, may remind people of witches and magic, from childhood images and storie, which fits perfectly with the films themes and how it the film is presented.
- The use of a close up shot of Audery Tautou helps to tell the audience that the film will be foucused on this interesting looking character, her expression also, is very mischeevies, but she is stil pretty and so this will draw peoples attetion. Also using just an image of Audery Tautou as the main character main interest an audience as she is a very famous french actor.
- the type of audience for this film, with a slightly twisted genre of romantic comedy, would be mainly women from teen to older adults, but it could also work for men as it's not your traditional romantic comedy, so with that in mind, the poster isn't overly femanie it dosen't make use of the traditional colours associated with females like pink, but with the use of the stars on the background of the poster which gives it a cute or mystical edge it may attract women. Also the actress used is very pretty and has been used as a model before and so some women may recognise her from that and become attracted to see the film. Becasue the film is foucused on a woman and her love journey women may want to see it, becuase in the film the female part is the one with all the control, unlike most romantic films, this is also reflected in the poster with the use of Audery Tautou being the centerala nd only image, give her control. Men be attracted to she this as the actress is very pretty and as it's not a normal romantic comedy it may be a better choice, over other films to watch.