Wednesday 14 July 2010

Year Ten Auidence Research

After interviewing year eights who were predominately aged 13, we felt we needed to look a little wider for our audience research to get a clear picture and the genre the group has settled on is thriller action and we felt that younger audiences wouldn't suit this sort of genre and so we are looking at older teens, mainly 15 year olds in this focus group, to aim this promotional pack at.

Audience Questionnaire

Film Magazine Front Covers

What appeals to you most about the front cover?

Which colours or colour schemes appeal to you?

How do you like the text to be, which appeals to you most?

Which image do you like from the front covers and why?

What are your first impressions and what stands out the most?

Any thing you didn’t like?

Film Posters

Why do you think this poster appeals to you?

Do you like a film to have a tag line and why?

What stand out the most on this poster to you?

Do you feel that this poster puts across the story of the film?

Does this poster make you want to see it?

Anything you didn’t like?

Film Trailers

First response and reaction to trailer?

Best bits of the trailer and why?

Anything you didn’t like?

The film front covers we used -

Film Posters we used -

For the trailers we used the same ones from the year eight research, as we felt that they had a good enough spread of Genre within each of them and that at least two of the trailers (Lovely Bones and Harry Potter) fitted the style of genre we want to explore within our promotional pack. We also felt that they fitted the age range of teen well, the age range we will more likely choose to aim our promotional pack at.

The first person i interviewed was a female, aged 15, in response to the first set of questions she said -

- She choose Xmen's front cover over the others, due to the striking central image, which made the magazine very powerful looking and important, it stood out, it didn't blend in. The reason behind why she was drawn to the xmen poster and why the image was the most appealing thing on the front cover may be because, the stance used by the model, it show authority, it isn't weak or lacking in emotion, it also connects well to the film, which is an action. The model is also looking out in a very powerful way, he doesn't let the rest of the magazine overshadow the image, he also doesn't give direct eye contact, driving an audience to want to see what he is seeing.
- The colour scheme on the xmen front cover attracted the girl, because she said that they were dark and mysterious, which fit the genre, this told me that i have to make sure the colour scheme on the magazine linked to the genre of the film, as xmen is quite mysterious and dark. She also said it made it looked good, as it didn't look cheesy.
- When asked how she liked the font on the magazine, she said the xmen one was good. To further this i asked her what appeals most about it, she said the use of different styles of fonts and for the sizes of the font to be varied, as it makes the magazine more interesting looking.
- She choose the Xmen due to the image, this once again tells me that the image is one of the most important things to get right for our promotional pack, as a bad image could ruin the look and genre i am going for, this means i will have to do further research in to how horror genres represent and put across the aim of the film with the use of images.
- The thing that stood out most about the xmen front cover for the first girl was that the magazine front cover conveys the films genre well and was the front cover is so engaging for the audience you want to go and see it.
- when asked if she would change anything on this magazine cover she answered nothing.

For the second set of questions i asked the 15 year old about movie posters -

- When asked which one appealed most to her and why, the girl answered that it was the scariest and so it jumps out at you and you want to know what it is and what is happening, this shows me that the poster must grab attention, but at the same time not to give to much away, which fits in with the idea of doing a a genre like Thriller or horror as that is how most act until the very end where everything is revealed.
- The same went for the tag lines used on the poster, she felt it gives you a little information, that further interest you in to find out more or they confuse you and you want to what they are on about. This once again tells us that tag lines can be an important part of a poster.
- Something that stood out about the poster was the images used, but instead of before, the people in the poster being the most important, this time it was the scenery where the people where, as you don't know and it looks very unfamiliar, also the fact you can't really see the people within the image makes the poster very dark and mysterious, the girl interviewed felt like this made the poster interesting as you wanted to know more about the setting.
- She didn't feel that the poster put across the story line of the film much, apart from that it isn't going to be a nice film, but she said this makes you want to see it more, the mystery.
- When asked weather she'd see the film based on this poster, she said yes, as it looks dark and mysterious.
- I asked her if she felt anything could be changed to improve the poster, she answered no.

I then asked her a set of questions based around the three trailers (Lovely Bones, Killers and Harry potter) to see what stood out most

- Lovely Bones: Her first reaction to this trailer was that it looks good, as the trailer seemed to tell a good jist of what the film is about, but in a way that built up the tension and leaving you hanging in certain parts of the story, so this would make you want to see it. She also liked the pace of the trailer, as it starts off soft and slow and gives the impression that it's a nice film, but then the pace quickly changes and becomes much darker and quicker, this is exactly how horror thriller films build tension they trick in to a false sense of security, something my group will have to look at doing when filming our trailer, as it's hard to do without looking cheesy. Something that stood out for her was the music also, as she said it built well in to a fast paced track, full of emotion and it fitted well with the story and what was happening, she felt that music track it important to set the right mood.

- Killers: She had seen this trailer before hand in the cinemas and said it was very appealing, as she liked the comedy within the trailer, as my group aren't doing a comedy, we can maybe taken on board the fact that we need to get the right look, to make sure it stand out as a horror/thriller, so people don't get it confused. The parts of the trailer that stood out most for her were the narrative voice over the top, this helped with extra explanation. She also likes the slides of text in between the images, which as a group we discussed using within our own trailer, this helps to break up scenes and stops giving to much away, as when the trailer is building and is about to give something away we can cut to a slide of text instead making people want to watch it.

- Harry Potter: Out of all the trailers seen she like this one the most over the others. Reasons for this are how fast paced and full of action it is, there isn't a dull monet in the hole trailer and it only slows down to give more information towards the end. What helps to keep this pace up is the music, which i already know is a very important part of the trailer, th egirl liked the music alot as she felt it followed the story of the trailer well. She liked the action within the trailer and would see it in the cinemas.

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