Monday 12 July 2010

Meeting Log One - Genre

In this meeting we set the agenda to first of all discuss our genre for our promotional pack, but we also looked at what we may contain within in the trailer we will produce for the promotional pack.

- After discussing the possibility of how we could do other genres we settled on the idea of a Thriller Horror, as with our first audience research we felt the Year 8's responded better to the trailers of that genre or the of a similar style, We will also take in to consideration any further research response we receive, but overall with the research done there was a very positive response towards this genre and we feel as a group that we can achieve a very good final product. if we decided to go down that route with our genre, as a group we will need to do deeper research in to all elements of the promotional pack for films of this genre, such as, One Hour Photo, The Hills Have Eyes, Inception, Lovely Bones and American Beauty, we decided as a group collectively that researching these films will benefit us when putting our promotional pack together and settling on our final ideas.

- This discussion led us on to talking about how we will put our first draft trailer together, as we had seen and looked at many horror thriller films and there trailers we started thinking about our favorite aspects from each trailer. This lead us on to building an idea of what sort of trailer effects would engage a viewing audience, such as the pace of the trailer, weather it should build from slow to a quick and hectic pace, as this seems the norm for most trailers, especially thrillers, also we looked at sounds, music and sound effect within the piece, as they need to relate and fit with the piece, as i feel music can make or break a piece, it needs to build at the same time that the trailer does, helping to build suspense and tension. We also thought about a rough storyline, so that we could get to start on trying out these effects and ideas.

- When looking at a storyline, we all discussed and shared ideas of how we expected and wanted our final out come to be for the trailer,on sharing our ideas we came up with a rough short idea for our first draft of the trailer to see what how effective it would be. The first idea we had for our trailer to be based around was, A young girl leaves her house and goes on a walk through the woods, but someone is following her, this simple idea could become very effective with camera shots and sound effects. The type of effects we would add to the trailer to make it fit in with the genre of thriller horror instead of just a girl taking a stroll, would be the way we placed the camera, we'd have it behind trees, so our view of the girl would be obscured adding suspense to what may happen next, we have also thought of sound effects to add, such as a camera click, to put across the idea that someone is following the girl, we also thought that to break up the scenes that we could put up text on a plain background, like most trailers do, giving more information to what is going on such as the tag line and release date. Then there was the idea of putting the camera click noise together with the shots of text within the trailer, we think this would give the trailer a very dark feel, putting it into the thriller genre we want, it would also make it seem slightly more professional we think. after having the girl walk through the woods normal with the effects suggested being done, the shots would start to get short and quicker, building in suspense, we'd have shots of the girl running, cut up with shots of blood stained trees and body parts and other gruesome things. these quick shots would be put together along with the sound effect of a heart beat, which would pick up tempo and keep time with the pace of the quickening shots, this would add tension and grab an audiences attention, making there heart beat raise, along with there excitement and want to know what is going on, this is the aim for our trailer and we feel that this would be very effective and also meet the genre of thriller horror very well.

- Also within this meeting we discussed roles we would play with in the team, i would concentrate more on the sound and lighting within the trailer. The deadlines we have given ourselves is to get our first draft trailer done, ready so that in our next meeting we can evaluate our first attempt.

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