Friday 9 July 2010

Year Eight Auidence Research

We started our audience research by interviewing students aged 12-13, so that we can see the type of genre which appeals most to them and how promotional packs can get their attention, so that my group can make an informed decision of what type of route we will take with our promotional package and how to aim it at the right type of audience in the most effective way. We made up a questionnaire, asking them about trailers, posters and front covers, to get the best result and to help steer us in the right direction with our promotional packs. this is the questionnaire we used -

Audience Questionnaire

Film Magazine Front Covers

What appeals to you most about the front cover?

Which colours or colour schemes appeal to you?

How do you like the text to be, which appeals to you most?

Which image do you like from the front covers and why?

What are your first impressions and what stands out the most?

Film Posters

Why do you think this poster appeals to you?

Do you like a film to have a tag line and why?

What stand out the most on this poster to you?

Do you feel that this poster puts across the story of the film?

Does this poster make you want to see it?

Film Trailer -
Lovely bones/Killers/Harry Potter

- First impressions of the film trailer?

The trailers we used -

The front covers that we used were -

Film Posters used -

The first person we spoke to was a girl named Demi aged 13

In response to the first questions about the film covers she said

- that she liked it when she could recognise people on the front cover and preferred the Dark knight front cover.
- She choose the Dark Knight front cover due to the colours being simple and not over powering or to much colour and so decided she preferred a simpler colour scheme of only a couple colours that tie in with the film or go well together.
- She liked the headings of the magazine to be big so to catch your eye, but to have extra information on the front cover, just in a smaller font.
- out of all the front cover images she choose the iconic Dark Knight as she felt it stood out, yet was simple and not to distracting. it was just a bold interesting image that caught your eye.
- First impressions of the magazine were that she liked the image, meaning that i need to get an iconic image, striking to catch peoples eyes, but not busy and to over powering, which Demi said she preferred to some magazines covers that she felt tried to hard, such as the Xmen cover.

In response to the second questions about the movie posters Demi said
- The reason she liked the posters on offer were because they were interesting, but she liked the second Lovely Bones poster more due to it's detail
- Demi told us that she liked to have a tag line and preferred it to be short and simple, but at the same time reveals something making you want to watch it to find out what it means.
- She said what stood out the most to her in the second Lovely Bones poster was the detail, the way the tree leaves had been photo shopped to add the extra detail to the poster and makes it stand out, as it's unique.
- The feeling she got from this poster was that the film may be about something creepy and dark, the film is creepy and so you can tell the poster has filled it's job.
- when asked if she would see this film due to the poster, Demi answered yes, telling me that the poster had met all the conventions when meeting target audiences interests.

For the third question i asked her about her first impressions of each film based on the trailer -
- Lovely Bones: The trailer was very hectic and fast paced, this was interesting as you only caught a glimpse of what was going on, but enough of the film to understand what it was about, making you want to go and see it, Demi said she liked this type of trailer. She thought the soundtrack to this trailer is very important as it built up tension and it built with the trailer, she felt that a soundtrack is very important. This trailer is very close to the type of trailer my group would like to produce as it is in the genre of horror thriller, which is one of the genres we would like to look at.

- Killers: Demi liked this trailer because of the well known good looking star, who is playing a lead role within the film. even though we can't provide a well known film star, when casting the rolls for the trailer we could look at making sure the people in the roles were dressed in the right way to get the right attention, if my group decided on a chick flick genre. she also said she liked the facebook reference at the end of the trailer as it is a site she uses often, this shows that the trailer has thought about what there target audiences do most, meaning they can connect with the right type of audiences.

- Harry Potter: Once again Demi felt this trailer was very fast paced, with lost of action going on with in it, yet keeping up the suspense, as the trailer doesn't give all the details away. She also felt the music was important on creating an atmosphere and tension within the film, as the fast paced movement of the trailer wouldn't of worked without the right type of music. This trailer also suits one of the genre my group have been looking at, which is thriller fantasy, the use of music and fast paced takes seems to be a big thing withing most trailers with the same genre, so my group will have to look at this further so we can make the right choices.

We then interview another girl of the same age, named Shannon

In response to the first set of questions Shannon had this to say
- Shannon choose the dark night aswell as the front cover that stood out the most and her reason for this was beacuse the image was very striking
- She liked the colour scehem for this fornt cover to as the colours went well together and didn't over power each other in anyway, but also stood out.
- She liked the text to be different sizes so that the more important things standout and then the smaller writting can be read after to get more imformation.
- The reason she like the image on the front cover of Empire was becasue it was a close up, meaning there was a lot of detail in it and it was also very striking.
- The thing that stood out for shannon about the magazine was very similar to Demi, she liked the iconic image of the Joker, this tells me that i must concentrate on getting the right image for the magazine to make it work
Shannons response to the second set of question to do with movie posters
- She picked both the lovely bones posters when asked which appealed to her and why it appealed to her, was becasue it looked different and interesting, not like any other poster she had seen. she also liked the use of colours in it.
- Shannon said she liked tag lines that told you a bit about the film. she also likes it if she can spot a famous actors name that she recognises on the film poster
- The images stood out most for Shannon, as she felt they were the more important features on the poster, like on the magazine. along with the bright interesting colours, which she says reflected the film, as there were dull grey clouds, to do with the dark things that happen, along with birght colours assoiscated with happyer times.
- The poster put across a creepy feeling, with the use of the figures in the both posters to do with the Lovely Bones.
- she has already seen this film, but says as the poster is interesting and eye catching she would of seen the film because of the poster.

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