Friday 16 July 2010

First Trailer Draft

First Draft from Hannah on Vimeo.

This was our first attempt of putting together a trailer, we were trying to focus on getting used to the equipment and roles we would be playing for future trailers, so that we can get the best results for our final piece. This was also our first attempt at putting together a trailer from the short storyline and genre we had come up with during our first meeting. We wanted to give the trailer the effect that someone was watching the girl wandering through the woods being watched. We filmed on the school site, which sadly doesn't really have any woodlands and as it was school time it was very bright out, these facts mean the trailer didn't really have the creepy effect we wanted, as most horror/thriller films aren't filmed in broad daylight or they have at least cloudy darker weather to build the tension as it is traditional for horror/thriller films to be dark. So the sunny weather didn't work in our film, this tells us we need to check weather reports before filming and possibly film towards the end of the day as it gets darker, to get the right effect, also these trees are near a main road, which you can clearly hear through out, it was my Job to do sound, but to many cars were going past constantly for us to wait and we just had to work around it, next time we will have to find a much more secluded area, a better forest. Even though we may not have had the perfect setting or lighting to get our story across, we felt it was a good start and we now know that we really do want to go down the Horror/Thriller genre and stick with the short sum up story line we already have, which we will be developing on when we each make a story board for our trailer, so we can get the bast of our ideas put in to the trailer. We would also be looking at different actors as i don't want o play a part in the trailer apart from the job i have already been given, as i don't think i fit the part and i can't be fully focused on sound, whilst i am acting.

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