Tuesday 6 July 2010

Research Excisting Product - Inception Film Trailer

- First shot of a figure is a close up of Leonardeo Dicaprio's face and so we know he must play an important role from the start, this will also help to intrest people straight away, as it's a close up we just see his face and DiCaprio is a very well known actor and so people may be drawn to see this straight away due to this fact

- The music builds tension as it cresdos across the peice, this is a big elment of the tralier as it gets people excitted and the big bangs grad peoples attention while it plays, making you watch it.

- We also get a glimpse of the tag line, tying up the promotional pack, all together and also it sticks in your head, so when reapeat people will know what you are on about.

- There is no narrative voice over, as that would ruin the tension built by the music and the genre of the film dosen't suit a voice over, instead each scene of film is broken up by a slide of text, full of different infomation, either whho is driecting or staring, to when the film is out, this breaks up all the scenes and so the trailer dosen't just come at you fast, it gives you time to think, while possibly intersitng you more, in to seeing the film with the use of the infomation.

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