Friday 10 September 2010

Further Story Board and Transcript

This is the storyboard we came up with as a team in our third meeting, this storyboard combines all of the best ideas we had from our individual storyboards and ideas that we came up with as a team to create the best storyboard we could, that we also felt expressed the genre of horror and thriller, while also showing off the storyline we had come up with in one of our first meetings. We are unsure of the length that of trailer we will have created on the basis of this storyboard, but we can easily edit scenes out or down, so that they can fit in with the time constraints, also a lot of the scenes will be short takes as that will help to fit in with the Genre of horror/thriller and help to build tension with in the trailer, whilst not giving to much away to an audience. We still haven't decided on a name for the film or a tag line, but we all have our own individual ideas.

We would start the trailer with an establishing shot of a row of houses, in a normal suburban street setting
Lighting: it would be a normal day, so daylight, bright and clear, so to juxtapose against what is about to happen. this scene would then cut to a close up shot of a key locking a front house door.
Sounds: there would be birds and cars heard in the background of this scene, re-enforcing the idea that it is a normal suburban street and day.

There would then be a flash (like a camera flash, to fit in with the storyline. everyone in the group had this idea, whilst making their own storyboards and so we decided it would work well in the final storyboard), the flash would take the trailer to a black background, with a production logo or text would appear.
Sound: you would start to hear humming within this scene, it would be coming from the girl, it would be eerie, but still fitting with the sunny houses we have just seen, but over time would hopefully build up tension.

This would then cut to a wide shot of the girl walking through a field and reaching a gate, this would help establishing where she is. there would then be a close up shot of the gate she has gone through closing behind her.
Lighting: it would still be daylight and nice looking
Sound: the humming would continue within this scene. Along with the gate closing, it would sound rusty and creaky, fitting in with the horror style, even though the trailer hasn't yet clearly show that, the sound of it closing would also show that she is trapped.

I think it was Aimee Hill who came up with the idea of having a high angle long shot of the girl walking through the woods, showing a contrast of power, also starting to reveal within the trailer that the girl isn't the one with the power.
Lighting: i think as she is in a woods that the lighting should be a little darker compared to how it was before, reflecting the change in mood.
Sound: the humming would be sound bridged in to this scene also, but i think we wanted to start some light music within the background, either a light piano melody or a light guitar strum fitting in with the humming.

We'd then have a long shot of the girl walking in the woods, but from behind her, building tension as you can't see her face.
Lighting: it would be getting darker, like dusk
Sound: the humming would again continue, with some light music playing over the top along with it.

This would then cut to a long shot of behind the girl, but it would be a point of view shot, from whoever is following the girl, this shot would also be exactly the same as the previous shot, but from the villains point of view and maybe covered by a little more bush to show he is hiding, this would help to involve the audience. to show that it is from the villains point of view i think we'd take the camera off the tripod to make it slightly unsteady, as if he is trying to look at her, we would also add heavy breathing afterward to the shot, to really add tension and show the audience that something isn't right, helping tension. We also thought that as he is supposed to watching her and taking pictures of her that we might be able to add camera viewfinder lines on the shot, but we are unsure if you do that in special effects.
Sound: we'd have heavy breathing, which would suddenly stop, on hearing a click from a camera, the click from the camera would take you in tot he next scene.

The next scene would be of a black background which would have a quote from a magazine about the film on it.
Sound: the humming would fade out and the light music would stop around this scene.

This scene would feature, Kate looking around in the dark slowly and creepily. As if she is about to see who is stalking her
Camera: This would be a close up on Kate's face, so you can get the full impact of the terror as she goes to look around her.
Lighting: the light would be dimming, like evening light. As if the darkness is creeping in on to her and there is no escape.
Sound: After stopping the nice light music, we would bring in a heart beat sound, to help build,d tension and to tell the audience somethings going to happen

There would then be another click and flash to a black background, with some form of text on it, like a tag line or the actors names
Sound: the group thinks it would be good to sound bridge the sound of the heart beat in to the scene to, before the other music kicks in.

After the screen of text, we all liked the idea of having a final blast of quick short takes. so to really help build the tension and panic. As it would be very fast takes, they would have to be of high quality and not to complicated so people could understand what was going on, but at the same timed be left interested and wanting more. These clips would flash together. To also help build the tension and power behind each scene, the group talked about fast paced and energetic music, with loud drums in it, reflecting a heart beat style, with a loud heart beat drum on each scene change, along with electric guitars maybe playing the same sort of tune from before, but faster and more distorted.
Shot 1: the first of thee short takes lasting no longer than five seconds. would be a mid shot of a bloody hand print upon a tree
Shot 2: in the shadows there would be a figures outline, it would be dark around them too, to make them look really menacing.
Shot 3: We'd have a shot that started as an over the shoulder shot, but as the girl runs away, i don't it would be possible to follow her smoothly enough, so we might have to keep the camera stationary while watching her run in to the distance. but i would really like to tree and follow her, but this is up to our camera lady Hannah and if she feels confident to do it well.
Shot 4: this would be a wide shot of the woods falling in to darkness, nothing in it, just the wood looking dark and menacing.
Shot 5: An extreme close up on Kate's face, covered in dirt and blood, but as the shot would be a quick short flash, it would be unclear if it was hers or not.
Shot 6: This would be a low angel shot, maybe taken on the ground of the girls feet as she runs quickly, i think this will disorientate watchers as they have been used to everything being shots of the body in mid or close up shots.
Shot 7: We would have a mid shot of the girl looking around as it is getting darker in the woods, and then the camera would pick u a dark shadow by a tree in the background.
Shot 8: We then wanted a close up of the girl slowly turning her head to see what's behind her, but just as you think you're about to see, it cuts to the next shot building tension and fear like a good horror should.
Shot 9: The music would stop at this point in the trailer, and all we are left with is a drum beat. the shot would be a wide shot and this idea is the same shot i had on my story board for one of the last scenes, as i felt it gave a little bit of a look in to the movie, but still left the watchers wanting more, to see what happens and also it is unclear of where it is in the time line. It is the girl standing in the middle of a shrine of photos all of her. this shot would be a little longer than the others i think to get the hole impact.
Shot 10: there would then be a sudden cut to a black background with the name of the movie and five stars. to end there would be a sound of a click, like a camera.

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