Friday 10 September 2010

Second Draft - Poster

This was my second attempt of putting together a poster for my promotional package for the trailer, i think the outcome is very good and after another meeting with my group, i think i could adapt my ideas well, like the title of the film, which is still unclear. Also we haven't made our final sotryboard yet, but i am pretty sure we are going to go with the camera stalking idea that we have had for a while now, as most the sotryboard drafts we have come up with have had this idea.
- The central image idea, is millions of photos piled on top of each other to create a heart, this not only would link very well with the premise of the trailer, where you see alot of photos hanging up in the woods, along with camera noises, but it can also very easily be turned in to something very creepy, with the central image being the hand you see in the storyboard for the trailer, with this being in the middle it would attract attention as i would make it larger than the rest of the images and as shown in the poster i was thinking about have what looked like blood dripping of the pictures, this effect can be easily done in Photo Shop, i think this would attract the right audience to the horror film, as it doesn't give much away, but at the same time is very well linked with the trailer, so that an audience would get that it's going to have something to do with pictures. It also looks a bit like a shrine, which links in to the Horror genre, as it's a little bit creepy.
- For the overall structure of the poster i have tried to stick to conventions with the Billing Block, Title and stars names (just some random actors names), but i am unsure about where i have placed the release date and Tag line (which is a work in prgress), as i don't feel they stand out strong enough, along with the Title, i feel they just blend in to the background, but this maybe because i haven't added any colour in to my first draft, so when i do this on Photo Shop, i will hopefully be able to change these problems so that they stand out much better and catch peoples eyes, as they are one of the most important parts on the poster, as it lets audiences know what they have to look out for and when.

- Overall i think this second draft is very successful and can easily be adapted for if any changes happen with the story, but at the moment i think this fits the storyboard we have disscussed in our third meeting very well.

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