Monday 27 September 2010

Third Draft - Poster

These are my first attempts at making a film poster using photo shop. I have made two, because i was unsure of how my original idea would come out and how long it would take me to make it, so i made a back up, whilst trying to keep in with the conventions of a film poster and the genre of horror. I was also worried that my first idea would look to much like a romantic film poster, which i sought i want it look like, as it is a twisted thriller/horror, about love, but at the same time i need it to be clearly about horror.

This was my first attempt of putting together a film poster in In Design, it doesn't look much like the second draft i made on paper, as i was worried that, that poster looked to much like a romantic genre poster, so i decided to try another set up. This fits the conventions of any other thriller or horror film poster. It is dark, with the central image of Kate our main star, the image is manipulated, to make it look scarier. I then have a dark black background, with a tree, reflecting where the action of the film takes place. I haven't put the layers together very well, as you can see the the cut line of some of the layers, so the poster doesn't look very professional. It dose fit conventions though, as it has a billing block, movie title and stars names at the top, but i have missed off the release date and tag line, two key elements on a film poster, I'd probably put the tag line at the top of the poster near the stars names and release date next to the title.
With the title i was trying out different styles, from the one i used on the magazine front cover, i tried to make it look like it was glowing, but i feel it looks to plain on this poster and would probably go back to the one i have been using on the magazine cover, as i feel that one fits in better. Overall i am not so happy with the poster, as it looks to generic, it looks likes a horror, but it doesn't express the theme of the film, which is pictures and being stalked. so i think i will try to make the poster i had previous planed, i will just try to work on it to make it obviously horror and not romantic, but still reflecting the twist and story line.

After my first attempt, of a slightly more conventional looking horror movie poster, i decided to go back to my original idea, that i was worried would look to much like a romantic film poster, as it has a heart of pictures, but i want this to reflect a more of a shrine feel to it, which would link in with the genre of horror. This poster has all the conventions of a normal film poster with a Tag line, release date, title, stars names and billing block. i have used the same title style as i did in the thrid draft for the magazine, as i felt that it worked really well, i did like the other posters title, but it didn't give off the right feel towards the genre of the film, with this the brush effects i have used on it, gives it a faded and destroyed look, telling an audience that it isn't going to be a happy film, this helps to link the poster in with the Horror genre, that i was worried it wouldn't fit in with. I also put the tag line in a horror themed font (chiller), as i thought this would really help to emphasis what the tag line means and that it isn't a happy romance with a guy trying to get a girl, instead it is a horror, where a guy stalks a girl, which is what the tag line and it's font reflects. We haven't come up with final tag lines or film names, but i feel they are very important when trying to reflect and link in with the films genre, as they can give a little bit of the film away in a quick catchy way. The images are layered on top of each other in a heart shape, to sort of reflect a shrine feel, like we have in the trailer. I need the images to look like photos, so people can really tell that it is supposed to be a creepy shrine and they also need to fit in with the horror genre, as this will really help to put the poster apart from romantic films with heart shape posters, as the images aren't happy and fun, they are of the girl lost in the woods and scared. I think that feature works well within the poster, but the problem is, you can't clearly see the actresses face well enough, which doesn't fit in with conventions, as an audience need to be able to see who is in the film to become interested and also who they expect to see in the film, so on my next draft i may need to make the central image a little bigger. I then decided to put a smudge of red, using one of the wet media brushes, on top of all the images, o make it look like blood, i felt that this fitted in well, making the shrine look creepy and it helps to link it in with the genre off horror and will hopefully tell an audience that clearly when they look at it. On my next try i would like to make the red look like it's blood dripping, so i am going to have to practice a bit with the brushes next time and maybe use the liquefy tool on photo shop.

Overall i much prefer this try over the first one i did in In Design as i found it to hard to blend layers properly in In Design, also i felt the poster lacked originality and didn't tell the audience what the film was about properly, so i am going to continue to make drafts based on my origanl idea poster of the heart.

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