Friday 10 September 2010

Draft Pictures

These are some of the photos i took on my first photo shoot with the chosen actress, Kate McCormack, she will be playing the main character in the trailer, which is the young girl. This photo shoot was to see what techniques and photos captured the genre of Horror and Thriller well and what looked the best over all, whilst working with lighting and different camera settings to capture interesting images.
Because Kate is playing the main girl who i have always imagined to be very innocent and young looking, the clothes she is wearing in the photos will hopefully be the costume we use in the trailer, as i feel they reflect the innocent and young nature of the character well, the flowery summer dress with the bright purple cardigan juxtapose against the situation the character finds herself in, being hunted, in the dark forest, this also means the bright colours wont blended in to the background or the darkness that we more than likely will be filming in, to create the eerie feel for the trailer.
for most the lighting i either used my flash torch or the flash on the camera. the flash torch gave the photos a very secluded feeling as you could only see what the flash light was on when i took the photo was taken and everything else around was to dark for the camera to pick up, this gave the feeling of exclusion and was really good at creating a spotlight to pick up the only things you want. The other times i used the cameras built in flash, as it was to dark in the wooded area i choose to take the photos to rely on daylight, but the flash did manage to light the picture well, with out drowning out the photo with to much light, next time the group takes photos, i may start the shoot earlier so we have daylight though and i would bring more flash lights to be able to recreate the spotlight eerie effect i did with one flash torch.
The location was a local entry that is heavily wooded, this was a perfect area to take photos, as people rarely walk down it, but a lot of scraps get dumped down there, so it had the dirty eerie side to it, also there was enough of a clearing in between the trees to take decent photos of Kate without tree branches getting in the way, the down side is you can see the houses in some photos we took and also the area is not big enough to film in, so we will have to go somewhere else for that.
These are just a few attempts of the first photo shoot, these are some of the best or at least ones i would like to try again for a better result on our next photo shoot :

What i like about this photo is the way the light only falls on Kate's face, framing it. the rest of the background is completely thrown in to darkness, this links in well with the Horror genre my group is trying to create with this promotional package. It fits this genre as you don't know what's in the dark, all you can see is Kate, creating mystery. The fact it frames Kate's face means you can focus on her well, you aren't distracted by anything else and you also know who is the star of the film as she is the only person on the poster. This image was lit with a torch, i may want to retake the image just so i can get a better quality of image, but i feel that this is one of my best images and would look really great on a Poster for the movie.

I think his is the most commercial looking of all the photos i managed to take, i feel it may work well on a magazine cover, as has a slight action feel to it, as it looks like she is trying to escape. with a little photo-shop work it could look really good, things i need to work on in photo-shop, is the ground around her as you can see a plastic bin bag, which really looks out of place and just looks dirty, it may also take away from the rest of the image. It's a bit to dark in the background, but it may look good on the front of a magazine cover as this has means there is space on the front cover for text, without it distracting from the image. I think this image will look really great on a front cover, but may need a little work, to make it fit in with the horror genre.

This full length shot might work well for a magazine cover, even though a conventional cover uses mid length shots, i still think it would work well, or i could crop it to mid length. I like the lighting in this photo, it is still dark, keeping the Horror element, but you can clearly see Kate the model and a little bit of the wooded area in the background, but the wood is still dark, keeping it scary looking, whilst informing you where she is. I like the pose in this image, as she looks hesitant, she is looking back over her shoulder, telling the audience that she is unsure, but has the rest of her body facing away as if to walk in to the dark and scary wood. I really like the idea of using this image for the front cover of the magazine for the promotional package as most magazine like to use action looking shots, that have something going on and this does, it has a feel of tension also to it and displays the Horror genre well.

i like this close up of Kate's face, but i think the problem with it is though the bottom half of her face is clearly and well lit, the top half where the eyes are isn't, which means you can't see them clearly enough and so from far away it might not have the right impact, also the eyes would help the audience to connect with the poster, as you would be able to see the emotion and fear properly. it would be a really great shot if the lighting was right, so i may shoot this image again, as i do really like it and think it is really stunning. Also i am unsure if it reflects the genre properly, but this may just be because the lighting is right in this image and i can also manipulate the images in photo-shop to give them a better horror feel.

I feel that this image has a really great impact. The location looks really good in this image and you can clearly see where she is, i also think the tree in the background looks really good and with the rest of the background is in black makes it seem very scary, but it is a very long shot and so doesn't really fit magazine cover conventions, i may be able to use it for a poster, but i am unsure. The quality of the image as well isn't good as it was taken in very dark conditions without the right type of lighting and only a flash, in fact it was the last photo taken on the photo shoot, this means it is very grainy as the camera was struggling in the dark. But i still really like this image as i feel it is very striking, she looks very alone and isolated in the woods, which fits the genre and storyline, but i may have to re-take the image as the quality isn't great and also i am unsure if i would use for the movie poster, but i may play around with it.

This image was taken by mistake, as i was holding the camera and torch and so couldn't keep the camera still when i took the shot, but i really like this image as it looks really eerie. It has an eerie glow about as if she is a ghost, with just the top half of her lit, it looks like she is floating, i would really like to try and use this in either the poster or the magazine cover, but it couldn't be the main image as it's not clear enough and so people wouldn't know what it was for or who the actress was, so i may have to photo-shop in to the background of an image, to add to the Horror genre, but i am unsure of really how to use it, even though i want to.

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