Wednesday 29 September 2010

Draft Four - Poster

After my third drafts of my movie poster, working from ideas i had on paper, i decided to look further in to developing the heart and pictures film poster, though this could be mistaken for a romantic film poster i am going to use conventions and ideas suited for the horror genre, so hopefully if i use them properly the poster will have the impact of a horror film and tell the story slightly with out giving to much away.

This poster i feel again fits all the conventions of a horror film poster. i have the starring actors name at the top of the poster, which is a very normal place to put this, i also put it in a clear text like Aerial and in a bright white colour so that it can be clearly read and seen on the poster against the dark background. It's not the most interesting piece of text on the poster, as i wanted the title to grab peoples attention first, but it is clear enough for people to read and see it, which is important as movies can be judged by what actors are involved in them. I also put the actors first name in a bigger sized font to attract peoples attention. I then have the convention of the Tag Line, a key part of a movie poster as it can help interest people by giving a little away about the movie, whilst not telling them everything. this is a tag line i came up with and have been using through out my planning, as our group haven't yet had a meeting to discuss this properly. I used the font chiller on the tag line to give it a creepy effect, reflecting the genre of the movie. I also put it in red, as red has the connotations of blood, linking in with horror so that people defiantly wouldn't think it was a romantic film and to really emphasis this, i used the liquify tool to make it look like it was dripping, but as it was text it still has to be clear to read, so i the text effect bevel and emboss on it to try and help it stand out. I am unsure if this has worked as well as i wanted it to, as the dark background and text are hard to see over each other and it doesn't stand out, so this is something i will have to work on. I really like the title i have been using on the posters, as i feel it looks really interesting, with the smudged dirt look, so will attract an audience and it also has impact due to the font i used (blackoak) and the structure of the title, using the same P for both words has a really interesting effect, which i feel would interest and catch peoples eyes. Some of the things i might look in to changing on my next draft would be the colour, which is yellow and i originally chose it to reflect the flash of the camera and it does stand out against the dark background really well, but it's to neutral and may not reflect the genre of horror well enough, so i may look in to changing it. A big thing i need to fix on my next draft is the pictures, as they don't catch your eye aty all, the biggest problem is the size of them, you can't see the main actress , which is important as this can attract and audeince to see a film depending on who's in it and though i have her name at the top people don't always read the name or know the name of the actors. Also people would stop to look at it, it just looks like a boring dark heart shapped thing, i feel it dosen't add anything to the poster. I also need to edit the images, as they still have date stamps on and just need a little work done to them so that they can catch peoples eye. I also need alot more images for the poster. Then i want to work on the blood drip, to make it look a little more real, so that is something i will have to practice with the tools on photoshop with, i'd also like it to look part of the poster by having it dripping properly, but at the moment the bevel emboss effect i have used makes it stand out to much against teh 2D background, though it does help the poster fit the horror genre, so it's soemthing i want to keep.

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