Thursday 9 September 2010

First Transcript Draft

Though our trailer doesn't contain any speech, as we felt as a group that dialogue would slow down the pace of the trailer and ruin the tension, we do include sound effects, music, props and locations. So alongside the story boards we have all been creating individually we have been writing up some transcripts, so to make sure our idea is expressed in the clearest way possible and so that we can plan towards what we will need for our trailer so when it comes to filming the trailer we don't miss out important items or don't express the trailers intentions or it's genre (Horror/Thriller properly. Once we have all come up with our individual transcripts and story boards, we will come together to discuss ideas and combine all the best bits from each plan and make the official transcript and storyboard to our trailer, so that we can get the best idea overall for our trailer, but we are all making these story boards and transcripts from the same idea, so they should all roughly be the same, this just means we can look at the best ways of expressing ideas and what works well, so we don't waste time while filming. Also we all have our own jobs to do, so whilst coming up with the story boards and transcripts we should be concentrating on each job we have. For me i have sounds and am looking at the sound effects we will be using, such as screams, heavy breathing and camera clicks. Also during our audience research we found that the soundtrack to the trailer can be the most important part, as it is great for building tension and creating power within a trailer, different music can create a different feeling, so i have looking at where I'd bring the music in and fade it down, also what instruments i would use and the tempo within the music to help build tension.

- Character: A young girl no older than 18. She would have a very innocent look about her, her hair is down and she is wearing a summer dress. She looks happy, nothing out of the ordinary, just a simple happy girl.

- Scene One:
Camera: I would use a close up or mid shot, on a girl closing a door, this shot would capture her entire face clearly, establishing her importance and who the audience need to be looking out for. After the camera has had a shot of her closing the door, it would then cut to a close-up of the key being put in to the door and being locked
Location: This would be on a street, for this shot you would only see the front door of the house she lives, which would be an ordinary suburb house, on a very normal street, with nice gardens.
Lighting: Sunny and bright, to give the impression of it being summery, this would be filmed during the day time, in good weather.
Sound: I don't think we'd have any music at this section, just to show how ordinary it is, it's just a girl going for a walk, you'd hear the normal diagetic sounds of the street, with the girl shutting the door and the key in the lock. I may if it's to quiet at this point have the girl humming a tune, but the tension has not started to build in this scene yet, as we'd want the audience to feel relaxed in to a false sense of security.
Props: A house key, A house door.

- Scene Two: Once the key had locked the door the screen will switch to a black slide, where slowly words will appear in white "From the directors of *****"
Sound: The only sound in this scene would be the humming of the girl from the previous scene, so we would have a sound bridge linking all of the scenes together. I may also start a light instrument playing to go along side the humming in this scene if it is to boring. But i would prefer if the girl was just humming in this section, i may also decided that i ant the humming to start here and not in the scene before hand, but when ever i start the humming it will defiantly be in this scene, just to add tension and build on the eerie feel.

- Scene Three:
Camera: after the black the slide of text we'd see a static long shot of a road, it would be in a very suburban area, the house would look much like the house the young girl had just left. The girl would walk left to right across this shot, as it's a long shot, the camera may be place on the other side of the road, to get a good enough shot of the road and the girl walking down it.
Location: The location would be a suburban road, the houses all looking very similar and obviously on the same road as the house the girl was walking out of before.
Lighting: It would be sunny and bright out, the same type of lighting seen in the first scene.
Sound: You wouldn't hear the road, as that can be too noisy and distracting from what is going on in the shot, instead the sound bridge of the girl humming would play over once again, along with a soft instrument (either guitar or piano) would kick in now, I'd prefer the instrument to come in here softly, than in the scene before, but if the humming is to weak i may put the instrument in earlier.
Special Effect: I'm not sure if this is possible in the time we have been given, but i will have to speak with the editor (Aimee Hill) and the rest of the group about this idea in our next meeting. I'd fade over the top of this scene a half transparent image of a boy and a girl (the girl from the trailer), almost like a memory or a old home video, this would add to the eeriness and to to show that something isn't right. As the image layered over the top wouldn't be very clear i think it would put the audience on edge.

Scene Four:
Camera: This would be a low angel shot directly of the sky, gazing at the clouds, after three seconds of sky gazing, the camera would tilt down to look at the horizon, to a point of view shot, from the girls perspective, it would reveal a wood off in the distance, which the girl would be approaching
Location: It would be a heavily wooded area, bare trees without there leaves, looking very uninviting and dark within even though it's sunny. The woods we find in to shot this in would have to be far from houses or roads, so not to capture any other people in the images, as that would spoil the illusion of isolation.
Lighting: The sky would be bright and blue, but the camera tilts down to look at the woods, it would be darker and unfriendly, showing a clear change in the mood of the trailer.
Sound: The humming would once again sound bridge in to this scene, with the light instrument playing continuing, with the same tune over an over, as it would play over and over, it would build tension and start to add a bit of creepiness to it all.

- Scene Five:
Camera: this scene would cut from a point of view shot, to almost an identical shot, but now the girl would be in front of the camera, in a long shot, like someone was behind, which is what we want the audience to feel like. the camera would stay in the same place it wouldn't move, it would just watch the girl walking from behind.
Location: it is identical from before, the same view the girl had, to really emphasis the idea of someone being behind her.
Lighting: same as before, to carry on the idea someone is watching her.
Sound: You would still be able to hear the girl humming, but further away, so the light instrument playing would sound louder.
Special Effect: I'd like to see if there is away of putting lines on the image, to make it look like someone is looking through a camera view finder, this links in with one of the main ideas of the film, that someone is following her and taking pictures, if this effect is possible it will really show the audience something is wrong and build tension up well.

Scene Six: The transition to this would come with a click of a camera (sound effect) something i would have to work on, with the click the black slide will come up and the white words will appear slowly just like before but saying the tag line "All he wanted was a shot with her" this is a work in progress tag line as i have not spoken to my group about what the trailer will contain and so this is the idea for the tag line i have come up with for now.
Sound: As soon as the camera click went bringing up this slide, the girls humming would stop, so that the audience would read this in complete silence, build and eerie tension after seeing the last scene and that someone is following her.

Scene Seven: The transition to this shot would come with a flash, almost like a camera flash, also this scene wouldn't last long and would only be on the screen for a a few seconds, disorientating the audience, it would reveal a hand covered in blood
Props: hopefully we will use a human hand in this shot, but we will have to get some blood to cover it in, we'd cover it in blood so that you couldn't tell whether it was female or male, confusing the audience and as it would only flash up on the screen for a few seconds they'd want to know what was going on and it wouldn't give away much information.
Sound: In this scene it would have gone completely silent, building tension after the light humming music has stopped, then hopefully when the music does kick in, it'll make the audience jump.
Lighting: it would be dark out, it would still be light, but over cast and gray giving the shot a very dark feeling, especially after the light flash and after the girl walking in the woods on a sunny day, it will show the contrast and change of events.

Scene Eight: The transition to this scene from the sixth scene, would be another camera flash type effect
Camera: this image would be a close up on the girls face, you'd almost not be able to see any background because of how close the camera was up to her face, showing her distress and panic, the shot would stay the same on her face through out the scene. But at the same time you would have to be able to she over a shoulder maybe, for an over the shoulder shot of a face appearing out of the dark, after a few seconds of the girl being in the dark on her own, adding tension and building the fear factor.
Location: This would take place in the woods, although due to lighting and the close up you may not be able to see the woods behind her.
Lighting: Around the girl would be completely dark, or dark enough so that certain shapes wouldn't clear to make out, but there would be a spotlight on the girls face, so you can clearly see her expressions and hopefully enough light, that when the other figure appears out of the complete darkness, it makes the audience jump, as hopefully it will look like he has come out of nowhere and all of a sudden his face appears in the shadow light coming off the spotlight on the girls face. the face would be holding a camera and when it takes a picture there would be a flash of light, once the flash goes, it will go to a black screen
Sound: The sound would still be free form any music and almost completely silent, apart from heavy breathing off the girl, showing her panic, the silence would last for a few seconds while she is on her own, then when you see the face appear out of the darkness, you'd see it hold up a camera and take a picture, so the click of a camera would go, taking the shot to a black screen and then you would hear the girl scream.
Timing: Whilst the girl is on her own, it would take a while for the face to appear out of the dark, helping to build the tension, so that would take over 5 seconds almost, but after the face has appeared, it would take the picture the girl would scream all very quickly speeding up the scene, making the audience panic, as they weren't ready for it to happen so fast after such a slow start.

Scene Nine: Once the last scene has gone to black and the girl has screamed, this scene would suddenly flash up, it would also be a very short take and fast paced scene, as this is where the trailer really builds up towards the end.
Camera: it would be a wide shot of a girl running in and out of the trees in the woods, not much else would happen within the scene in terms of action, as it will be to fast paced to go in to detail.
Location: it would still be in the woods that we have been shooting in for the other parts of the trailer.
Lighting: It would be very overcast and getting dark, but light enough for us to be able to see the girl running clearly, we may have to bring extra lighting for this scene if we did it, as you can't rely on natural light to have the right effect you want.
Sound: As soon as the ninth scene starts suddenly, so would very fast paced dramatic music would kick in, keep in time with the rest of the trailer, this hopefully would tell the audience the urgency it and keep the pace of the trailer going. Within the music i think there would be some heavy electric guitars playing some power chords, with the drums playing a sort of heart beat sound, but fast, reflecting the pace of the trailer and the girls heart beat, hopefully getting the audiences heart beats going, the bass might play the same sort of tune the girl was humming from before, but much more rockery and faster to keep in time with the rest of the music. This is something i will have to look in to further, as the sound and music is my job on the trailer project.

Scene Ten:
Camera: After the girl had ran out of shot in the other scene, it would cut to a shot of her face, which would be a close up, the girl would be crying and shouting out, but you wont be able to hear her, just the fast paced music that would be sound bridged over in to this scene.
Lighting: Would be similar to the previous shot, over cast and gray, giving the shot a dark and unwelcoming feel, the dark would be gradually closing in around the girl though.
Costume/Make up: her summer dress will have become ripped and dirty from the running and her trying to escape, along with her hair being messed up and wind swept. We may also make her make-up run down her face and add some blood on to her face, not to much, just enough to make it look like she's been scratched.

Scene Eleven:
Camera: I think this would be the most ambitious scene to shoot. This would be a fairly wide shot of a woods, with a clearing, the girl would be standing in the center of the shot, so you could hopefully be able to see the length of her body, with the trees and the clearing around the shot.
Location: This would be a big scene within the trailer, the final big shot to really attract an audience, so it would still be in the woods , but in a clearing surrounded by big large trees, the girl would be in the middle of the clearing.

Props: As this is the big last scene in the trailer, i want it to look really spooky, I'd dress the scene with hundreds of photos hanging from tree branches around the clearing, the photos would link in with the idea of pictures and being followed, i would then have lots of candles lighting the scene, to really give it that eerie shrine feel to it all, this would interest the audience and would be the final big thing within the trailer.
Lighting: we couldn't light the scene with just candles, as they haven't got enough power and we need to be able to clearly see the young girls face, so as we would want this shot to be dark, we'd have to bring some artificial light with us so that we can light the scene properly, but still have a dark wood area.
Music: After having the sound bridge of the fast paced powerful music through out most of the trailer it would start to slow and fade here, with just the heart beat of the drum noise staying, reflecting the heart beat of the girl, this i feel would also keep the tension well.

Scene Twelve: The transition to the black screen would once again be like a camera flash, to really emphasis the whole story line behind the film, there would also be a camera click noise and once you here the camera click all other music and sounds will stop. slowly the title of the film, my idea for the title is "Picture Perfect" but we haven't had a proper discussion about the name, but i feel this works well as it ties in with the story line well. this would be the end of the trailer, I'm not sure how long this trailer would be, but i think it works well

Our group will be meeting up soon, to discuss ideas and then we will come up with another story board combining all our ideas and a name for the film hopefully.

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