Friday 10 September 2010

Meeting Log Three - Story Boards and Draft Images

- This was our third meeting, which we decided to use so that we could discuss everyones story boards, with a view to completing our first joint draft story board, meaning we can start to plan further ahead, with a view to filming our trailer, or at least filming some test shots soon, so we can see what works, whether the trailers long enough or too long, which is what we have mainly been struggling with when it comes to making a storyboard all our own story boards or making our joint draft story board, as we are unsure of how long what we have already come up with is, we know we want a lot of fast cuts, but are unsure about how fast and how many fast cuts we want. We discussed all of this in our third meeting.
- We also looked at each others draft images that we took on the first photo shoot of Kate our chosen main star of the trailer, we looked at what images worked and what didn't, helping us with ideas we may have for other photo shoots, looking at everyone's images together helped us to evaluate and see where each other are at, in terms of where our ideas for magazine and posters are going, we also could see what looked good.
- We read out and explain our own story boards to the group, with everyone taking notes, so that our joint storyboard would be a mixture of everyone's work and so that we could make note of the things we liked the most, in other peoples trailers, making sure they made it in, i think this helped us to build our first joint draft story board well, as everyone has a bit of there own work in it and it is also a mixture of everyone's best ideas, hopefully meaning that every second of our trailer will be interesting and capture the audience whilst watching it. All our story boards centered around the same idea and had some similar scenes within them, as we all had agreed early on about what the story line of our trailer was going to be, but we all had some really good individual ideas of how to build Tension and show Horror within our trailer.

- These are the notes from everyone's storyboards, the notes we made, will help us when making our further story board as we can highlight ideas we think would work best:

- Laura:
Laura's story board started with an establishing shot of a girl leaving the house, with a dog, giving her a reason to be leaving the house, then she said it would flash to a black background with a camera noise clicking, she was unsure of what text to put there and what colour it would be, This would then cut in to a wide shot of a girl walking her dog near the woods. It would once again cut to a black background, with a flash, with the names of the actors written in maybe a red blood like font. She then explained that the next scene would be a close up of a girl in the woods, which would either cut to a new shot or pan across to a shot with a mans outline in the shadows, unable to see his face, showing us that the figure is the bad guy, she explained that this would be the part of the trailer where it started to get scary and fitted the genre of Horror, There would then be another click and flash to a black background on which he release date would be written. After that it would then cut to an extreme wide shot of the woods and a girl running scared, with a black shadow coming closer. to end it all a flash of black.

- Aimee:
Aimee's also started with an establishing shot, this time of a street, with a summery light feel to it. cutting to a wide shot of a girl coming out of a door, saying "bye, just walking the dog", cutting to an extreme wide shot of the girl walking a dog in to the woods, she suggested that on the top of this section there would be humming from the girl. So everything starts off very nice and lovely much like Laura's did and my story board, there is then a click from a camera and a flash to a black background with a film logo from some company associated with the movie. This then cuts back to a mid-shot of her walking her dog again, with a shadow and heavy breathing behind her. Aimee then said that she would cut to a high angel shot almost over the girl as she walks, this would create tension, adding to the idea of the Horror and Thriller genre and also showing the audience that it is a jolly film about walking a dog. After this there would be a camera click alongside of an image of the girl walking her dog, quickly followed by a flash to a black background with the tag line, which Aimee is unsure of at the moment for what to put, but we will probably come up with the name and tag line for the film together as a group. She then spoke about what sort of music would be played over the next scene, of a close up on the girls face, she suggested a heart beat sound effect or heart beat drumming. Once again it would flash to a black back ground with light red text of a film review, something that a lot of trailers seem to have. After this Aimee said she would speed the cuts to scenes, making them short takes, this would build up the tense and pace with in the trailer, as people wouldn't have time to understand what they were seeing, but hopefully due to the quality of the filming and shots, they would be interested to find out what was happening. The first short take in this sequence would be of a extreme wide shot of the girl running through the woods, cutting to a bloody hand in the mud, then to a shot of the girls back, making it look like someones behind her, some more shots of the girl running in and out of the woods, with someone in the woods, to end this sequence a shot from above of a girl lying on the floor, making the audience want to know what has happened to her. Then it cuts to a black background with a release date, on the cut
Aimee suggested a sound effect of a Dum noise, like a loud heart beat to really end it well.

- Hannah:
Hannah unlike the others didn't start with an establishing shot, instead she went with a long shot of a girl in the woods, with a dog. But like the rest of us she went with a flash to a black background with a title of the film written on the black screen, she also said that some creepy music will start up around this scene, she then said there would be another flash again with screaming in the background, with a mid shot of a girl, she said there would also be a black shadow, the lighting for this scene she thought it would look best around dusk, just as night started to fall. it would flash again with to a black background with the actors names on the background. After the actors names it would cut to a long of the trees in the dark with a hand in the mood all covered in dirt, it would then flash black again with the release date, ending with a black screen and the music ending.

After telling the group about all our own separate storyboards we started to discuss our joint storyboard, combining ideas from each persons storyboard and coming it with new ideas, that stem from our old drafts.

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