Friday 10 September 2010

Second Draft - Magazine Cover

This was my second go at creating a cover for the promotional package. it's based on the mainly on the structure of my first attempt and the storyboard ideas we had put together in are second meeting, but the title may have to change for the movie, even though we have had our second meeting we still have settled on a idea for the title, so for now this is my name idea and also the story board we have just made isn't the final one, so we may cut the shrine like scene out in the end, which is what the image is based on, but these are just a few of my ideas, for how I'd like the front cover to be set out and possibly the type of photo i would like to use.
- I'd name the magazine The Cut, as this ties in well with movies, as they say Cut after scenes and it also could have links with being let in to the gossip, i really like this name and think it works well. I'm not sure about how i presented the Masthead though, i think the The could be smaller as it's not the main part of the Masthead, but i like it on a tilt, i also need you Photo shop to work on presenting Cut in an interesting way, as at the moment it isn't as eye catching.
- I tried to make the main image look as if it was being taken through a camera, so that's why there are lines and a box, but it just looks a bit like a poster image, which most front covers do as it's really just more promotion for the film, but it doesn't look right here, i still like the idea of having it look like it is being taken through a camera, which would link it well to the films idea, but this may all change when we have our meeting.
- Also i don't like how i have placed the text around the image, the headings don't look very professional, as they are all off to a slant, which isn't a good layout choice. Also the lines on the image that are suppose to represent a camera lens, get a bit in the way of the text, my original idea was for the text to rest comfortably on these lines, giving it a sense of order, but this doesn't seemed to have worked, this means i will have to look at better layout ideas and see what i can do on Photo shop.
- Over all this is just my second attempt and i have got some good ideas from this further evaluation, which I will hopefully be able to transfer to my next draft magazine cover, next i will hopefully be using some original images, on photoshop, instead of doing it on paper.

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